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He must have.

He pulled his hand out of his suit jacket pocket, distracting me before I could ponder further. His hand was large, and, from my standpoint, he appeared to be the same height as me. But I knew he had to be much taller because I was short at barely over five feet.

His voice oozed too much dominance—powerful for anyone in his vicinity. And I was. A clear bull’s-eye for this crazed lunatic. A sure win in his books and a loss for me.

“Do you always do this in your spare time?” I asked.

“Do what?” he pressed with a tilt of his head.

“Lurk in the shadows like Michael Myers from those Halloween movies. He’s always watching people get freaky,” I answered and pointed toward him. “You wouldn’t happen to have a knife hidden somewhere, would you?”

I grew nervous as I awaited his response. My body trembled, but I held my stance. Even if the guy made me anxious with his creepy vibes, I couldn’t let him know. He probably got off on that shit.

“I always come armed,” he replied with his laser beam eyes locked right on his prey. “But I don’t lurk in the shadows for just anyone.”

I had no idea why I was choosing to even speak to this asshole. I should hike up my dress and get out of here. But curiosity tempted me.

Maybe it was the way his voice rang through me. It could be the way the scar on his face lingered in my mind and made me question how he received it. Or maybe it was the darkness seeping from his pores.

“You…” I gulped and took a step back. “You don’t?”

“No, I don’t,” he breathed as he took a step toward me with my one step back.

Shit. I had to get the hell out of here. But I should keep the crazy fucker talking.

Distraction was key in situations as dire as these, and a little personality helped too. Quick thinking was the trick to staying alive, but they don’t have the brains in horror films. Those bitches die for the thrill. But I have watched it in documentaries about real life abductions.

“Why did you choose today to start?” I asked and stepped back once more.

He doesn’t hesitate. “Because you caught my eye.”

A chill ran up my backside when I realized he had targeted me. This man knew exactly why he had followed me. All the publicity from my upcoming marriage had put me in danger. I knew it was a possibility, but I never imagined it would happen so soon.

“Well, I’m getting married, fucker, and my fiancé has muscles the size of boulders,” I said and held up my engagement ring to make my message clear. “I’ve got an excellent set of lungs on me, too.”

“If you were going to scream, you would’ve done it by now.” He gushed with confidence and stepped fully out of the shadows.

His hair was jet black and strands fell over his left eye. Dark eyes as black as molten lava rock swirled with a glint of mischief, and they pierced into me. His muscles pressed against his suit, making him appear huge, and with each slow step he took, I was surprised the fabric didn’t tear. Each move left a tap from hisexpensive dress shoes, and my eyes grew wider with every sound. But I was no longer surprised by his presence.

Because I recognized him.

He was the extremely handsome man who had watched me over the rim of his drink at the party. His gaze roamed over me as I entered with my fiancé; I pretended to laugh at something he had said and looked over the crowd. A stern rule with every function my dearest hosted: always act presentable, poised, and engaged with the audience.

Sebastian gave a speech with me by his side. He spoke of fulfillment, his many achievements, and his dedication to everyone on his grand journey. But it was all a load of crap.

Sebastian was a bore.

When the yawn came, my eyes wandered. I’d search for fulfillment of my own. A man to please me, tease me, and make me forget who I was. One of those men had been this man. This lunatic. But goddamn, was he hot.

His eyes had followed me while my fiancé gave his speech, as if he’d eat me whole, with no regard to the man beside me, who wrapped his arm around my waist and introduced me to the crowd. This stranger had intrigued me, ravished me with his gaze, and made me wet between my thighs.

He was the one I was ready to choose—this phantom of a man within the darkness who had brought himself out into the light. But he had vanished.

So, I chose the next best choice, who seemed capable of releasing the ache in my belly. He was eager, willing, and not a crazed psychopath. The opposite ofhim.

God, I sure knew how to pick them.

He was delicious, with an intense edge from the old wound proceeding from his side burn down his left cheek. With him closer, I saw the scar was in the shape of a thunderbolt. I could tell someone had branded him for some unknown reason, and I wouldn’t discover the truth soon.

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