Page 75 of Mister Stark

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Two weeks passed by, and Dylan had been more supportive than usual. He was around more and much more involved. It all came as a surprise I tried to get used to, but while Dylan hadn’t been around, his father had.

With Dylan around more, Daxon had kept his distance. I was pregnant, and it changed everything. He knew it could be his son’s child, and I knew it weighed heavily on his decision. We still had to play the part. I was the happy pregnant fiancé and Daxon was a joyous grandpa to be. Even though we both knew the paternity of the baby could change everything. We still had to act like everything was normal, even when it wasn’t.

And that played with my heart.

It still belonged to Daxon, no matter what. He was the man who tempted me with his games and I fell for him. I fell hard.

This baby could very well be his. He could be the father and Daxon knew it. But we had to be sure.

Until then, Daxon had kept his distance and let Dylan partake in all the moments of becoming a father. Dylan would talk to the baby over my stomach, he’d get the food I was craving and help me when I felt sick. It was great with him by my side, but I wished he could’ve been like this just for me. He had asked me to marry him, to be his wife, and this was the way he was supposed to be. Not gone and his time surrounded by his lover. But his homosexuality had kept him from me and I knew this was all for the child growing inside of me.

Dylan was gay, and I wished he never dragged me into it. He made me his trophy just to carry around on his arm. I wished he didn’t lead me to believe we were meant to be when he knew it was all wrong. I was the entire package to conceal his truth that was inside. A man and his lover. His ultimate secret.

But now I kept it a secret. One that could change the course of all our lives. The real paternity of my child.

And today was a tremendous day.

Today, I will get to see my baby for the first time. It was a nine-week ultrasound to check on the pregnancy and hear its heartbeat. To finally meet my little one for the first time.

But Daxon would be there.

Dylan had insisted and wanted his dad present. The glad grandfather to be. He wanted Daxon to be there for every scan, because he knew it would mean the world to him. Under different circumstances it would, but this situation was different and Dylan didn’t know that.

He didn’t realize there was a huge chance that his dad was the father. I slept with his dad and he didn't know I did the unthinkable. He had no idea his own father went behind his back and had sex with his fiancé. Multiple times, for that matter, and I fell in love with him. I wanted him to be mine. Heart, body and soul. But he never could be and it broke my heart.

Tears stung my eyes as we waited in the dimly lit room for the ultrasound technician to join us. Dylan stood beside the bed and Daxon had his arms crossed by the door. My eyes met him from across the room and I knew he was uncomfortable, but only I could sense it. He kept it hidden for his son’s sake and to conceal the truth. We faked it until we made it because it was all we could do until we knew the truth.

“Are you okay?” Dylan asked as he wiped a tear from my cheek that had escaped. “You’re emotional, darling?”

I wiped my eyes and plastered on a fake smile. “I’m just so excited to see the baby.”

And I was.

I was also heartbroken because the man who could be the father wasn’t available. He was off limits and forbidden. I was angry at myself for giving in and I let this happen. This should have been one of the happiest moments of my life, and it felt unbearable.

I should know with absolute certainty who the father was. We should be here content and overjoyed. So excited to see our little one that grew inside of me and it should be all we could think about. But instead, we had uncertainty looming over our heads.

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