Page 57 of Mister Stark

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Punish Me

Daxon grabbed the reinsof the horse as it let out a terrified neigh into the brisk air and the animal’s forelegs fell to the ground. It had trouble calming down and Daxon pulled on the reins to gain back control. He redirected the spooked horse, and it trotted from side to side. He settled it down and could get the horse tied safely to a nearby tree.

“Celeste!” He cried out as he raced to my side to check on me and found me within the snowy ground.

I groaned, and snow covered my face as I felt him scoop me up into his protective arms. He wiped the snow from my face with his gloved hand and pushed my frozen hair back with a shaky hand. I blinked several times as the world stopped spinning and his face came into view. I was unsure if he was worried about me or if he caught a chill until I saw his eyes.

The concern he held for me swirled within them and he stroked my cheek. “Are you okay?”

His voice trembled with fear, and his worry for me threw me for a loop. One minute we were butting heads and the next it forced us to get close. Revealing his true nature and the genuine feelings he held for me.

“I-I’m okay, just shaken up.” I admitted.

But confused as fuck.

I wanted to stand, but my legs wouldn’t work. The shock kicked in and everything was freezing. My body vibrated within his arms and I was frozen. The wet snow that covered me was now frozen on my body and parts of my exposed skin. My teeth chattered together from the sudden temperature drop and I was sure my lips would turn blue.

“We’ve got to head back and get you warmed up.” He said with worry and lifted me up into his arms. “It’s okay, princess. I’ve got you.”

His strength held me tight as he untied the horse from the tree and talked to it softly. “It’s okay, boy...”

The soothing tone of it kept the horse relaxed as he hoisted us both up and we sat on top of the horse. He held me close, and I buried my frozen face against his warmth. He tucked me safely away in his embrace and kicked the horse with the back of his heel. We took off as the wind whistled in my ears and the air was even colder. My teeth chattered as I held on tightly and he gave the reins a yank. The horse jolted ahead faster, and the world flew by as I peeked out beneath his embrace.

It was snowing.

White snowflakes fell from the grey sky as they had opened up and gave away mother nature’s gift. The surprise of a snowfall and it got heavier as we went. The cold flakes touched my face, but hurt as they came down faster with our increased speed. But I needed to get warm, and being out in this blizzard wasn’t helping.

The blustered flurries raged on and covered my eyes until I couldn’t see. The thick white mass was wet on my face and accumulated quickly. I tried to tuck myself in closer to his warmth, but it was no use.

“D-Daxon, I’m scared...” I whispered as my teeth chattered and I vibrated against his body. “I-I’m so cold.”

“I know, princess!” He exclaimed over the winds that blew and pulled me closer to help shield me from the storm. “Hold on, we’re almost there!”

His words tried to soothe me, but it wasn’t enough. I was so unbelievably cold. I had never been this chilled in my entire life and time wasn’t on my side. It seemed to drag on as I tried to remember how far we galloped into the snowy woods, but I couldn’t. I had lost track of time with him and it was so much fun until it wasn’t.

The horse slowed down as Daxon guided the horse past evergreen trees and a familiar barn came into view. It was smaller, but came closer with each stride of the horse’s legs. I felt relieved we made it back, and we weren’t lost.

Daxon wiped off his face of the access snow and steered the horse through the barn doors. I knew I should’ve felt the warmth, but with my temperature drop I couldn’t. The heat should be there, but I just couldn’t feel it yet.

“I-I’m numb, Daxon...” I stumbled to get the words out. “S-so c-cold.”

He got the white beauty into its stall, and he brought us down from the horse. He grabbed a blanket from nearby and laid me down inside it. It wrapped around me as my body trembled and hay got in my hair, but I didn’t care. I just needed to get warmed up and Daxon tried everything in his power to do so.

The blanket covered me as he carried me out of the barn and into the blizzard. He shielded me from the worst as he pushed on and locked up the barn. He raced across to the side of the house as my body bounced with his and he got me inside. I peeked through the blanket as his chest puffed against me and he dashed for the nearest bedroom.

The lights weren’t on and it was dim inside the room from the snow cover outside. It blanketed the windows and blocked any light from coming through, but the fire within the bedroom blazed. It created a dim glow as it hit the bed sheets and Daxon sat me down.

“We need to get you warmed up.” Daxon said as he took my head in his hands and cupped my face. “Do you trust me, princess?”

I searched his eyes for the strength I needed and found it within them as I whispered. “Yes.”

He helped me out of my clothes. The wet layers shed from me, and he tossed them in front of the fire on the floor. He didn’t waste a second and raced to get my temperature back up. The only thing he left on was my tan bra and panties to match. He peeled back the sheets and laid me inside them. They covered me from head to toe and I listened to a rustling sound. A flurry of unfamiliar sounds and a race against time. But soon he pulled back the sheets and got underneath with me.

In only his boxer briefs.

He pulled the sheets over our heads and moved in closer. His skin was on mine as he pulled me closer and he surrounded us in darkness. The blackness let up a bit as our eyes adjusted to the change and I could see him reach out towards me.

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