Page 117 of Hard to Kill

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I’m not timing myself, but can feel myself running free as if it really is the old days.

Not as tired as I ought to be.

And definitely not wanting to stop, at least not yet.

I’m the hummingbird tonight.

By the time I get to the last target and make the turn for home, Idofeel as if I’m the one who’s flying, head down, almost forgetting the air rifle is in my hands, it feels that light, because of my own sudden and happy lightness of being. I’m running toward the parking lot, faster than I’ve run all night, like I’m racing the darkness back to where I left my car.

And winning.

I finally stop at the place where I started and drink from the water bottle attached to my belt. Hydrating, like a good girl. Dr. Sam would be even prouder of me than usual.

I’m a good tired tonight.

It’s because I really dofeelgood for a change.

When I’m about ten feet from my car, I stop.

I locked the doors before going for my run, the way I always do, especially when I’m alone out here in the night. And I locked one of my Glock 27s in the glove compartment.

Only now I can see the buttons raised through the driver’s side window.

I look around.

Nobody else around in the dirt parking lot.

I get a little closer to the car and see what looks like a boot print next to the driver’s side door.

Certainly not my own.

And not there when I first got out of the car.

I hear something behind me, wheel around with the air rifle, and see that it’s just a raccoon disappearing into the woods.

I slowly cover the distance to my Prius, not touching the door handle, but looking inside.

There on the front seat is a menu from the Bell & Anchor, big red block letters slashed across it.

One word.



I DON’T GO ANY closer.

Don’t even think about touching the door handle.

I don’t believe anybody would go out of their way to give me a heads-up that they were about to blow me to kingdom come if I did open the door or start the engine.

But I don’t know that for sure.

I back away from the car and stare at it in the gathering darkness and try to assess the current threat level.

Same old, same old.

Not paranoid.

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