Page 22 of Desolation

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“Not happening. It’s now or Reba dies. I told you the answer was going to be yes, Elodie. You never really had a choice here. Sorry if it seemed like you had any options or requests, because you don’t,” he says. “Now I’m going to take this tape off and you’re going to follow me upstairs like a good obedient wife.”

He pulls out a wicked looking knife and slides it up the tape holding my arms down, then does the same with the tape on my legs. He stands and roughly grabs my arms.

“Where is Reba?” I demand.

“Don’t worry, she will be at our wedding, to make sure you play your part and say your lines. Just know, there will be a gun on her at all times, so don’t try anything stupid. I have a little surprise for you. You have a dress and a crew to do your makeup and hair. Can’t have you looking like a hobo for the wedding. And don’t worry, they will get those bruises covered up, though we can’t do anything about the swelling. You’ll just have to turn your face to the side for the photos,” he says as he pulls me from the room.

My legs aren’t really cooperating. Being taped and sitting for so long made them weak and I can barely hold myself up. He seems to have no problem dragging me along with him though. We step out in front of an elevator. So, we were in the basement after all.

Pulling me into the elevator, he pulls out a key and inserts it into the panel, jabbing buttons to take us to the upper levels. I make amental note that I can probably never escape this place without it. It’s looking more and more like I’m going to have to kill him myself to ever get out of here.

We ride up several floors and with each passing level my stomach drops out from underneath me. I’m getting closer and closer to my doom.

The elevator dings and the doors open on the top floor. We step into an apartment, done in metals and dark colors. It looks nothing like the understated elegance of Gio’s building. It’s all hard lines and functionality, nothing more. There is no love here, or sunshine, no peace, no future, and as the elevator door shuts behind me, all I hear is the closing of a cell door as I step into my prison.



We haven’t found a trace of my Bug. We also haven’t seen Dominic’s men creeping around anymore. They have her. I know it. I’ve tried her cell; it just goes straight to voicemail. The location isn’t working either so I’m guessing they smashed it and threw it out somewhere.

We know where Dominic’s family lives, but they have just as much security as we do. My dad has been locked in his office with my brother for the last two hours. I’m assuming they arediscussing next moves. I don’t understand why I can’t be there. At this point I don’t even care if I hear things I shouldn’t. I want to be involved in the decisions. This is my girl we’re talking about here.

Heading down the hallway, I push open the door without even knocking.

Anthony and my dad look up in surprise. My brother moving over to push me from the room. “You can’t be in here Drake,” he says.

“I don’t care, you aren’t making plans without me. Period. I’m going to get her back. One way or the other. And you can help me and let me in on the plans or I’ll just do it myself,” I yell.

“You’re going to get yourself killed if you rush in there like an idiot. We are going to have to go to war and these are not plans you need to be privy to,” my dad says. “If Elodie can get herself and Reba out of there, that’s great, but we can’t count on that to happen or Reba would have already done so before now.”

I know he’s right, but I feel like we are sitting here doing nothing when we should be going after her. It’s been twelve hours. Anything could have happened. Hell they may both be dead. That thought makes me draw up my fists in anger and my whole body tightens as I try to fight off the thought.

He wouldn’t kill her. I tell myself. He wants something from her. Whether it’s for himself or selling her is the question.

If he sells her, we are so screwed. We won’t ever find her. People that get sold in the skin trade are very rarely ever found. Silent auctions with hidden bidders keep anyone from seeing faces or finding out someone’s identity. The buyer could even be from another country.

“Go Drake, just get out of here and let us make a plan. I promise you can help when the time comes, but there are things being said that you can’t hear. Please,” my brother asks.

I stare at them both, searching their faces for the same determination I have to get her back. My father has pity in his eyes. But Anthony looks like he means what he says, so I nod and leave the office, slamming the door behind me.

So, Dad doesn’t think we are going to actually get her back. Good to know. I’m not mad at him, but it tells me he may not make the decisions needed to save her. He won’t want to risk the men on something he thinks may not happen.

Heading to El’s room, I lay down on her bed, bringing her pillow to my face just so I can smell her for a minute. I’m going to have to come up with a plan on my own. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to leave her there for a second longer than I have to.



Dominic leads me to a room filled with several people. There’s a hideous wedding dress hanging on one side of the room and a vanity set up with cases of cosmetics. Three women, who I’m assuming are the ones who are going to help me get ready, stand off to one side, looking very nervous to be here.

There are also guards stationed at the doors.

Dominic claps his hands and the women jump and instantly come over and lead meto the vanity.

“I want her ready in thirty minutes, or else,” he says.

“Um, it may be a little longer, those bruises are going to take some time to cover,” one of them squeaks out.

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