Page 26 of Sweet Conviction

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"I need you to send Logan Hayes back out on tour. He's getting on my nerves again."

I laugh loudly, not at all surprised. Logan gets on everyone's last goddamn nerve. He's a stereotypical douche with rocks forbrains. Unfortunately, his albums also fly off the damn shelves. "I'll see what I can do," I mutter, shaking my head. "Anything else?"

"Don't suppose you're willing to murder Memphis?"

"How much you paying to take him out?"

"I have to pay for you to kill him? I thought you'd handle it for free," she mumbles. "He busted you out for going to jail."

"Good point. But he also bailed my ass out so…"

"Fine. I'll just kill him myself."

I chuckle, shaking my head again. She's a savage, but she's the best damn manager in Nashville. Frankly, I'd rather work with her than anyone else. She knows her shit.

"Is Winter ready for tour?" I ask her, glancing at the stack of paperwork on my desk detailing the logistics. She sent it over this morning, but I haven't had a chance to go through it yet.

"Mostly. She's nervous."

"Can you blame her?"

"Not even a little bit," she says without hesitation. "I've already hired extra security."

"Send over the bill. I'll make sure it's taken care of."

"Oh, I already sent it." I can practically hear her bat her lashes through the damn phone. "It's in the stack of other bills I sent. Which you'd know if you'd been at work."

"Ah, so now we're getting to the real purpose of your call. Busting my balls."

"Not busting. I'm just curious. How are things with Tempest?"


"Dalton!" she cries. "That's not fair. You can't invite me to be the witness at your wedding and then tell me nothing. It's cruel and unusual."

"Only if you're nosy."

"Which I am. So spill," she demands.

"Things are good." That's a lie. Things are fucking incredible. "She's…"

The door to my office bursts open, and my grandfather barges in, his face red with fury. "What the fuck were you thinking?" he roars.

Fucking great.With Lena holed up in the mountains, refusing to come home or tell us exactly where she is, I actually thought I might manage to avoid him for a while longer. But I should have known he was going to show up eventually to piss me off.

I shoot a sharp glare his direction. "I'm going to have to call you back," I say to Riley, keeping my voice calm and level even as my temper spikes.

"Yep, sounds like it. Good luck," she murmurs before disconnecting.

I narrow my eyes at my grandfather as I place the desk phone in the cradle.

"Don't even fucking look at me that way, Dalton," he snaps, stomping across the room. "I had to find out through someone else that you were in jail."

Motherfucker.Someone ratted me out.

"Who told you?" I ask, resigned. I should've known the stubborn old bastard would find out about that one way or another. Honestly, I'm a little surprised it took this long. Nothing ever stays secret long, not in this goddamn town.

"Doesn't matter. What matters is that you didn't tell me." He jabs a finger at me. "What the fuck were you thinking, starting a bar fight? You're the goddamn CEO of this company. If this gets out—"

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