Page 64 of Promise Me Not

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“Don’t fuck it up.”

“Me?” I whip around. “What could I possibly do to fuck it up?”

He eyes me a moment, increasing the speed he’s running at and hitting an incline. “You’re in your head. You have been for a while. I’m not sure what’s going on exactly, but I think I know enough, and you’re running toward ruin. Try to let it go.”

I scoff, turning my back and heading for the door. “I bet you would just love that.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he shouts after me, but I close the door.

The house is quiet aside from the TV running in the living room, Kenra asleep on the couch.

Grabbing four cold water bottles from the fridge, I down one and carry the other three toward the room down the hall. With a soft knock, I push the door open.

Brady is out cold on the twin bed on the right side of the room, his skin clammy, while Cameron and Paige are sitting up on the other bed. Cameron has a box of tissues and a blanket wrapped around her, reading from a school textbook, while Paige is staring at the TV that has no sound coming from it.

Fuck, I guess I should have brought my books, too. Not that it would help. There’s no way my professor lets me make up the test, not when I’m already behind in her coursework. I grit my teeth, pushing the worries aside, and meet the girls’ gazes.

“Hey.” Cameron smiles through a light cough.

I wiggle the water bottles. “Brought you guys something cold to drink.” I set them beside her and look to Brady. “He good?”

“He’s been snoring like a bulldog for the last two hours.” Cameron shrugs. “So he’s alive at least. Thinks he can sleep off the ick.”

Paige laughs, then groans, her hands flying to her temples. “I’m so sad. I can’t believe we’re going to miss the game tonight. Who gets sick sitting in a car for six hours and doesn’t get better when they get out of it?”

They were hoping the vomiting was from car sickness, which neither usually gets, but all three woke up feeling just as shitty as they did when they went to bed.

“There will be plenty more games to go to. Just rest, maybe try to sleep it off like Brady.”

Both girls push out their lower lips into a pout, and a grin pulls at my lips.

“Let me know if you need anything. One of us will make you guys some food before we leave.”

“Noah’s not here to work his magic in the kitchen.” Cameron throws herself back dramatically. “So, my sweet Paige, that means all we’re gonna get is canned soup.”

“I can bring it to you cold.”

Cameron gives a fake smile, fluttering her lashes. “Canned soup will be just fine, please and thank you. But if you don’t mind, I’m climbing in bed with the beast. He’s burning up, and I’m freezing.”

Shaking my head, I go to step out, but Cameron pops over to the door, grabbing the frame, so I pause in the doorway.

Her smile is softer now as she looks up at me, whispering, “You okay, Mase?”

Tension tugs at my chest, and I force a nod, but I can feel the frown along my brow dig deeper. “Yeah, I’m good. Perfect. Fine.”

She tips her head slightly, reading the lie on my tongue easily enough. “Sometimes people fight against things because they’re afraid of how they’ll play out.”

For a moment, I’m stuck staring at her, but then I manage to force a laugh. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, girl. Go on. Get in bed with Brady. Feel better, okay?” I think I manage a grin and then softly close the door behind me.

The minute it’s shut, my face falls, and I squeeze my eyes closed.

Get a grip, my man.

Sighing, I head upstairs. I go to enter the room I was moved to, but my hand won’t wrap around the handle. I move past it into the bathroom for a cool shower.

My muscles bunch under the spray, slowly easing with each passing minute. I take a deep breath, trying to block out the stupid thoughts racing through my head.

So Chase bought Payton a soda. Big deal.

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