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“Let’s find out where we stand,” she says, and flips open the folder.

The air is thick, each breath I take laden with the weight of impending revelations. Dr. Patel’s eyes don’t waver as she scans the document, and the world narrows down to the crisp sound of paper against paper.

“Mr. Davis,” she says at last, her voice a grounding force in the maelstrom of silent tension, “you are the father.”

A stunned gasp escapes me, my hand flying to my mouth as if to catch the words that flutter inside like caged birds longing for freedom. Relief floods through me—a warm, soothing tide that washes away the jagged edges of uncertainty.

“Fuck me sideways,” Mickey murmurs next to me, a rare vulnerability flickering across his silver gaze. He looks as if he’s been body-checked into the boards, the impact leaving him dazed but gloriously alive. With a shaky exhale, he leans down and presses his lips to my forehead, a silent promise etched in the tenderness of the gesture.

A rare smile softens Soren’s usually harsh features, his green eyes hold a spark of something akin to pride, and it strikes me how this revelation weaves us even tighter together—three souls knotted in a complex pattern of need and desire.

“Looks like I’m an honorary uncle then,” Soren rumbles, his voice a timbre of contentment that vibrates through the room. He clasps Mickey’s shoulder in a brotherly grip, solidifying our strange but perfect family unit.

“The hell you are,” both Mickey and I retort.

Clearing my throat, I pin Soren with a glance. “No! You’re also Fet’s dad.”

“Absolutely,” Mickey agrees. “The three of us are Fet’s parents. Don’t go changing that now.”

My heart feels like it could burst right now. I’ve been so worried; first about the test maybe somehow glitching, showing neither Mickey nor Soren as the dad. Then I was scared what would happen if it was Mickey, but as I sit here now, there’s no denying the rightness of how everything has unfurled.

Perhaps it’s my imagination, but Dr. Patel’s attitude feels different now that we have the result; kinder, somehow. And there’s no judgment in her eyes as she glances at me, only looking away as she writes something on her laptop.

“Are you ready for the ultrasound scan?” she asks once she’s done, and I nod, following her to the examination table, where I immediately lie down. “Would you like to know the baby’s sex?”

I exchange a charged glance with Mickey and Soren, our private conversation from earlier echoing silently between us. “Yes,” we answer in unison, a chorus of longing that resonates in the sterile room.

The ultrasound wand moves in slow, deliberate motions across my now gel-slicked skin, and my heart races in tandem with the sweep of the device. The image on the screen is a blur of shadows and light, but it holds the definitive answer to our shared future—a crescendo of curiosity that hums louder with each passing second.

“Alright,” Dr. Patel announces, her tone businesslike but not without empathy. “Let’s see if the baby is ready to reveal its secret.”

The tension is palpable, a living entity that wraps around us, binding us together in the shared silence. My gaze is locked on the monitor, willing the indistinct shape to morph into something recognizable, something definitive.

“Come on, little one,” I whisper under my breath, as though coaxing a shy creature from its hiding spot. The drumming of my own heartbeat drowns out everything else—it’s just me, the baby, and the two men who have come to mean more to me than I could ever articulate.

In the static of black and white pixels, a form begins to take shape, and we lean forward, a triad of eager expectation. Dr. Patel’s hands are steady, sure as she manipulates the controls, honing in on the precious life nestled within me.

“Any moment now…” Her voice trails off, allowing the suspense to build further, coiling tight around my spine. I can feel Mickey’s sharp intake of breath, Soren’s fingers digging slightly into my flesh—both of them as lost in this fragment of time as I am.

And then, the world narrows down to a single point of clarity on the screen; the revelation dawning bright and unmistakable. The truth of Fet illuminated before us, a beacon that guides us into uncharted territory.

“See that?” Dr. Patel points, and a thrill shoots through me, electric and raw. “Congratulations, you’re having a girl.”

A tidal wave of joy crashes over me, so fierce it threatens to capsize my composure. “A girl,” I whisper, awe coloring every syllable. In that heartbeat, visions of pink onesies, tea parties, and a future fierce as her dads flashes before my eyes. I—we—are having a daughter.

I turn toward Mickey, his silver eyes shimmering like the surface of a lake at dawn, reflecting a world of possibilities. His lips part in a stunned smile, a rare vulnerability peeking through his usual cocky demeanor. “We’ve got a little princess on the way, sweetheart,” he murmurs, his voice laced with a reverence that wraps around me like a warm blanket.

Soren stands to my other side, his green eyes—usually stormy seas—now calm harbors of happiness. He nods, a silent agreement resonating between us. The man who commands the ice with an iron will is rendered speechless by the gentle flutter of life within me. “Our girl,” he finally manages, the words rough with emotion, and I can see the silent promise in his gaze to protect her, just as fiercely as he protects the net.

The dam breaks then, and tears spill down my cheeks, each one a testament to the love and hope living within me. I reach out, taking their hands in mine, intertwining our fingers, our lives inexorably linked.

“Thank you, Dr. Patel,” I say, my voice trembling like a leaf in the wind. My heart is a drumline, pounding out a rhythm of new beginnings. I’m awash with gratitude for this tiny miracle, this gift we’ve been given. It’s a spark, igniting the tinder of our joined souls, fusing us together even more deeply than before.

“Let’s take care of our girl,” Mickey whispers, leaning in to press a tender kiss to my tear-streaked cheek.

“Always,” Soren vows, his thumb brushing away the wetness from my other cheek, his touch as grounding as the earth itself.

We are a trio, bound by love for Fet, lust for each other, and now a legacy—a little girl who will learn the strength of her dads’ arms and the resilience of her mother’s heart. “We need a name,” I hiccup as I realize how wrong ‘Fet’ sounds now that I know I’m having a baby girl.

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