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I flinch, his accusation a slap to my already fragile sense of control. “No, Mickey,” I gasp out, desperate for him to understand, to believe me. “It was never like that.”

“Then explain it!” The ferocity in his tone sends a shiver down my spine, and I search his face for the tenderness that usually lingers there. But it’s gone, replaced by a scowl that contorts his handsome features.

“Enough, Mick.” Soren’s deep timbre slices through the tension. He stands like a statue, all carved muscle and restrained power, his green eyes steady on Mickey. “We need to think about what’s next, not sling blame.”

My heart hammers against my chest, a frenzied beat that drowns out the faint hum of the fluorescent lights overhead. I did this. This is all my fault. I don’t know why I never told Dr. Patel about the medicine… well, that’s a fucking lie. I didn’t mention it because I was ashamed; ashamed I couldn’t cope with losing my job, ashamed I was depressed.

“I’ll have to notify Cupid’s Court,” Dr. Patel says. “The fault is yours, Abigail. So there may be consequences.”

I barely hear her words, too caught up in blaming myself.

“Is that necessary?” Soren asks.

If Dr. Patel answers him, I don’t hear it. Everything is drowned out by the loud thumps of my heart.




My list of failures is getting overwhelmingly long; I deserted my best friend when she needed me, leaving her to fend for herself while I fled to Jamie’s house. I wasn’t a good enough teacher to keep around. To top it all off, I couldn’t even go to my doctor and admit defeat, admit I was too overwhelmed. Instead, my brother had to get me medicine—the same medicine I never disclosed.

Shit, shit, shit! Mickey and Soren are right; I did trick and trap them. The fact it wasn’t on purpose hardly matters. I did exactly what they’ve accused me of.

“Are you listening, Abigail?” Dr. Patel’s voice cracks through the air.

Even though I clearly wasn’t, I stutter, “Y-yes.”

When she begins her explanation again, I make sure to pay attention. “We’ll do a NIPP—”

“What the hell is that?” Soren asks.

“A non-invasive prenatal paternity test today. All we need to do is draw some blood from Abigail, and do a cheek swab from each of you.”

“That’s it?” Mickey asks, his face paler than usual.

Dr. Patel shakes her head. “Since the most accurate test can’t be done until Abigail has given birth, Cupid’s Court wants her to stay at your place until then. But this is the best we can do for now, to give you some sort of peace of mind.”

No, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “Why can’t I go home?” I ask, my voice weak.

She tuts. “Because you brought this on all of you. Until it’s confirmed that you’re not lying about the biological father, you will need to stay with them.” When I open my mouth to protest again, she holds up her hand. “Or if you really don’t want to, Cupid’s Court will make arrangements for you. Either way, you won’t be permitted to go home.”

Before I can say anything, Soren says, “She’ll be staying with us, doc.”

“I’m not letting her out of my sight,” Mickey growls, somehow making it sound more threatening to be in his vicinity than the other option.

Since no one is bothering to ask me what I want, I don’t waste my breath giving my opinion. Instead, I just sit there, and let them talk over me like I’m living in the middle ages when men made all the decisions for women. No, that’s not the right comparison. This isn’t about gender, it’s about power and right now I don’t have enough to be considered an equal, or worthy enough to be listened to. Be… trusted.

I pretend to be anywhere but here as a nurse joins us, rolling up my sleeve to draw the aforementioned blood, before taking the cheek swabs from both Mickey and Soren. While she works, I look at Dr. Patel who’s busy tapping away at her laptop. Maybe she’s communicating directly with Cupid’s Court right now, or maybe she’s making dinner plans.

The nurse disappears wordlessly, just like she arrived, and Dr. Patel finally looks up at us. “Right, we should have the answer to the paternity test in a couple of weeks, but since the next appointment should be when Abigail’s thirteen weeks along, you might as well get the answers then. So if that’s all…” she trails off, looking between Mickey and Soren. I can literally feel her dismissal, as her eyes only graze me because I’m sitting between them.

“Just a few more questions, if you don’t mind.” I bristle, hating how playful Soren sounds. He’s using the tone I know all too well from our time at Cupid’s, and I hate that it’s aimed at someone else.

“Go on.”

“Now that we’re going to be looking after Gail, we need to know a bit more about her…” he pauses like he’s searching for the right word. “… requirements. Does she need special food? Soaps? Shampoos?”

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