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“Why not?” I wince, hating that I had to lie to my mom about why I wore a hat indoors.

Rolling her eyes, Luce explains, “Your mom is going to make you remove it at the dinner table.” I let out a deflated sigh because she’s right, and I can’t keep using excuses like needing to wash my hair or a coloring going wrong. “But hold on.”

Before I can ask any questions, Luce darts out of the room. “I don’t have time for this,” I whine. “I’m going to be late.”

Oh my God, I hadn’t thought about my hair. But I had the coloring redone last week, and surely that can’t be good for Fet, right? I need to ask Dr. Patel about that as well.

“Patience,” Luce says, handing me a small plastic bag. “Consider this an early birthday present.”

I quickly open the bag, frowning as I pull out what looks suspiciously like a wig in my natural hair color. I don’t hesitate to tear at the wrapping, freeing the shoulder long, light brown locks. “Luce!” I exclaim. Damnit if my bestie doesn’t have a fucking sixth sense for knowing exactly what I need.

“Want me to help you get it on?” she offers. I nod and stand completely still while she places the cap over my head, quickly hiding the black and white strands beneath it. “You’re ready to face the fam without anyone being wiser.”

I throw my arms around her, hugging her tightly. Just as Luce opens her mouth to say something else, the door opens behind me and I quickly jump out of the way. Coming through the door is Sawyer, Soren, and Mickey. The latter, whistling. “Well damn, this is impressive.”

“Told you,” Sawyer grumbles. He throws me a half-hearted wave on his way to Luce, and the two of them greet each other like they’ve been apart for years.

“I meant the welcome committee,” Mickey grins, looking at me. “I’ve seen the house already.”

“Fucking hell,” Soren laughs. “If you invited us here to watch you two make out, I think we need a talk about our friendship.”

Mickey chuckles. “Hi Gail. Long time no see. What are you up to these days?”

“I’m good,” I say, sounding slightly breathless. “Keeping busy.” Jesus, I sound like a fucking moron.

These two guys keep getting under my skin with a single look, and it’s frankly getting embarrassing. They don’t even have to do or say anything to make my poor little heart flutter like a trapped bird. The way my body reacts you’d think I was eighteen and hormone ridden, not twenty-eight, and… well, hormone ridden.

“Yeah, so we hear,” Soren says. “Congrats on the biz and all that, beautiful.”

They both move closer, making me wonder if they’re aware just how close we are now. I look up at the two contrasting guys. Soren is the epitome of dark and sinful looking with short, dark brown hair, green eyes. His large hands are covered in intricate tattoos, and even more ink in the form of cobwebs spans across his neck.

His solar opposite, Mickey, is like a Scandinavian God with his shaggy white hair and silver eyes. As far as I’m aware, he doesn’t have any tattoos, at least none that I can see. But it doesn’t make him any less appealing, far from it. It’s like he’s a deliciously untouched canvas next to his friend.

“Umm… thanks,” I rasp, finally finding my voice. “It’s exciting.”

“I bet it is,” Soren adds, his tone low and suggestive. “Nothing like breaking into something new.”

Oh hell, these two are too much. Just their presence and voices are enough to make my pussy throb, acting like it’s underserviced.

I have no idea how I can be all confident when I give myself to the mysterious strangers at Cupid’s Court, but when it comes to Mickey and Soren, the OG’s of my threesome fantasy, I’m back to being a mess.

Maybe my awkwardness is because I feel like everyone can see I’m keeping a secret. I’m so uncomfortable I keep shifting my weight from one foot to the other, wondering how I should stand without looking like I’m knocked up from living my double life. I know my inner ramblings make little sense, but it’s how I feel and there’s no shutting them up.

Mickey runs a hand through his untamed white hair. “Are you on your way out?” he points at the door over his shoulder. “Or do we have the pleasure of your company tonight?”

Before I can answer, Soren throws his arm around my shoulders and pulls me to his side. I’m barely aware we’re heading further into the house as he says, “Of course you’re staying. We’re all forpleasure.” And suddenly, I can’t remember why I was about to leave.

All I can focus on is Mickey and Soren as they flank me, and how fucking ridiculously good they both look and smell and… “No, I really can’t stay,” I say, doing a silly twirl out of Soren’s hold. “I’m on my way to go see my parents.”

I hear Luce laugh behind me, and when I spin around, she gives me a knowing grin. “Say hi to them, will you?” She gives me a gentle push toward the door, which is incredibly helpful since my brain is mush right now.

“Sure thing,” I easily agree. “See you tomorrow morning.”

Luce shakes her head slowly. “No, you won’t. I have to help Sy with his traditions before the game. But I’ll see you at the arena the next day.”

“Right,” I mumble, not sure how I forgot about the game and all that comes with it for Luce.

“We could use some help as well if you got nothing going on tomorrow,” Soren smirks, shooting me a wink. And there I go, blushing like a schoolgirl again.

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