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“Wow, that’s...” Words fail me as I take in the enormity of their plans—the dreams taking shape within these walls.

“Come on,” Lucia says, hooking her arm through mine. “There’s more to see.”

Reaching the spacious and sleek kitchen, Luce pulls sandwiches from the fridge and quickly brews some coffee, making it clear she came here before picking me up.

The scent of freshly brewed coffee blends with the promise of new beginnings as we sit across from each other at the rustic kitchen table. The house is quiet except for the occasional creak of settling wood, a symphony to the dreams being spun in this very room.

“Okay, so hear me out,” Luce starts, her eyes sparkling with the kind of fervor that’s contagious. “As you already know, I’m launching my own gig, social media courses with personalized coaching sessions.”

“Yeah,” I say, already knowing this. “When are you starting?”

Her eyes sparkle with mischief. “Well, that all depends on one thing.”

“What?” I ask curiously.

“You,” she laughs. “I want you in on this.”

I almost choke on the bite of the sandwich I’d just taken, crumbs scattering across the tabletop. “Luce, I can barely navigate my own Facebook page. You’re asking the wrong gal.”

She waves me off, her grin unwavering. “I’ve got the tech savvy covered. But you? You’re a natural-born educator. You connect with people, make them feel seen. I’ve seen you with the kids and their parents. You make every question seem important. That’s what we need.”

“Luce,” I whine, pinching the bridge of my nose. “I taught arts and crafts, not hashtags.” Despite my protest, there’s a flutter in my chest—the thrill of a challenge.

“Arts and craft, hashtags, it’s all creative, Gail. And who better to weave a narrative than you?” She leans in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “Besides, we’re going to rock this industry.”

The idea takes root, stubborn and persistent. My name alongside hers—Gail and Luce, partners. Not just in mischief, but in enterprise, too. “What would we even call this venture?”

“Something fresh... current...” Lucia muses, tapping a finger against her lips. “How about ‘EduSync’? A nod to your teaching roots and the influence of social media.”

The name ‘EduSync’ reverberates in my mind, its syllables rolling off my tongue like a promise of something new and exciting. A tingle runs down my spine as I contemplate taking the leap into the unknown. The idea of embarking on this journey scares me, yet the thought of what could be waiting for me on the other side fills me with exhilaration.

Maybe it’s because of last night, but right now I’m ready for more adventures. Embracing my inner Abby, I declare, “Count me in.” Determined to embrace this new beginning wholeheartedly.

“Yes!” Lucia jumps up and fist pumps the air. “Knew I could count on you,” she sing-songs as she sits back down again. Her smile could outshine the afternoon sun.

Hours pass as we pour over plans, our heads bent close together as we scribble notes on a shared notepad. The list grows—logo designs, marketing strategies, course outlines—all of it daunting, but less so with Luce by my side. Our laughter bubbles up, filling the house with life.

“Ready for one last surprise?” Lucia asks, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

“Is it chocolate?” I half-joke, riding the high of our brainstorming session.

“Better,” she promises, standing up and gesturing for me to follow.

We approach the last unexplored door in the house, its wood grain a mystery waiting to be unveiled. Luce turns the knob, pushing it open to reveal an office space bathed in soft light. There’s a desk, bookshelves lined with empty spaces awaiting knowledge, and in the center—a chair that looks like a throne of ambition.

But it’s the wall that captures my attention—my name etched on a plaque in sleek, bold letters beside Lucia’s. “Luce, this is...”

“Yours,” she finishes for me. “Or ours, really. Welcome to EduSync headquarters.”

My throat tightens, warmth spreading through my chest. She never doubted—not for a second—that I’d say yes. It’s more than a room; it’s faith made tangible, trust given form. She believed in me before I could muster the courage to believe in myself.

“Thank you,” I whisper, both overwhelmed and grounded by the weight of her conviction.

“Nothing to thank me for. We’re in this together now. Let’s kick some digital ass, partner.”

“Partner,” I repeat, the word a badge I’m ready to wear with pride. This is where we build our future—one click, one post, one course at a time. Together.

“We should go celebrate,” Luce grins. “Or are you too… spent after last night?” She wiggles her eyebrows and does a full-body shimmy like I didn’t know what she’s hinting at.

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