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“Exactly,” he fires back, grinning like he knows exactly what’s churning in my head. “And enjoying the new setup we’ve got going here.”

“New” doesn’t quite cover what we have with Gail—it’s unconventional, intense, and the most honest thing I’ve ever felt. It’s a living, breathing dynamic that pushes and pulls, yet somehow fits us perfectly. And there’s nothing like waking up to her sandwiched between us.

Instead of staying in bed, which I really want to do, I get up, shower and dress in a pair of low hung sweats before I begin the routine of brewing coffee for us and tea for Gail. It doesn’t take long before Mickey joins me, his hair damp from his own shower.

“She fucking kicked me out,” he gripes, making me chuckle.

“What did you do?” I ask as I pour both of us some Joe.

Mickey mock frowns. “Nothing!”

“Yeah, right.”

Sighing, he smiles sheepishly. “I might have suggested we save water by showering together, and then—”

I burst out laughing, already knowing why she kicked him out. With how busy she is with EduSync, Gail has made a very strict “no sex in the shower” rule, and the only morning sex she’s up for is if we wake her up that way. No idea how that makes sense, but hey, since I value my balls, I follow the madness.

“Whatever,” he grumbles. “At least it’s a rest day.”

Tell me a-fucking-bout it.

My muscles throb with the aftermath of last night’s victory—a hard-fought battle on the ice that has us one step closer to the finals. But despite the fatigue, there’s an energy that pulses through me, anticipation for what I know comes next.

The Sabertooths are synonymous with grit, with grind, with the kind of tenacity that leaves you gasping for air and begging for more. We’ve snagged victories by the skin of our teeth, suffered losses that cut deep enough to leave scars. Yet here we are, still standing—stronger, fiercer, with the endgame in sight and the crowd chanting our names like a prayer.

As though he can read my thoughts, Mickey claps me on the back, a wild, reckless grin spreading across his face. “Three weeks, Soren. Three fucking weeks, and we’ll be drinking out of the Cup.”

“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” I reply, though the thought sends a jolt of adrenaline straight through me.

When Gail finally joins us, she’s already on her phone. “Luce? Yeah, I got your last message. The updated module looks sick.” There’s a pause as something is said on the other end. “Yep, I agree. We should push it live this week.” Her voice tinged with excitement and authority.

Turning around, she smoothes down the front of her tee over her growing belly. The fabric clings just enough to show off the gentle roundness of her bump. A testament to the life we’re building together. There’s a glow to her skin, the kind that screams health and vitality, making her blue eyes shine with a light that’s damn near celestial.

She’s a freaking warrior, dealing with the mood swings, the morning sickness, all while hustling like she’s got something to prove. I’m in awe of her, and it makes me want to wrap her up in bubble wrap or something equally ridiculous.

“Damn, baby, you’re glowing,” I say as she stands before us, hands resting on the curve that shelters our future. Her eyes sparkle with that mix of fatigue and determination that’s become her signature look these days.

“Thanks to you two, I feel more like a blimp,” Gail teases.

“Never,” Mickey interjects, his voice a low growl. “You’re beautiful, sweetheart.”

She picks up the marker next to the fridge and uses a cloth to wipe yesterday’s count away so she can write the new one; ‘19 weeks + 3 days’.

Then she walks over to me, the sway of her hips slightly more pronounced with the weight she’s carrying. Her warmth envelops me as she leans in for a kiss, sweet and lingering. Mickey moves closer, his silver gaze locked on Gail with an intensity that could rival the sun.

“Are you staying home with us today?” He brushes a thumb over the swell of her belly, a smirk playing on his lips.

“Of course,” she replies before kissing him. When she pulls back, she takes the cup of tea I’m holding out to her. “I’m a big fan of rest days, even if we’re busier than ever.”

Her dedication is a force of nature; EduSync has become her baby, second only to the actual baby growing inside her. But even then, her support never wavers. She’s been at every home and away game, cheering louder than anyone else. It’s a wonder how she balances it all.

Mickey draws her even closer against him, and I move in behind her, caging her between us—a protective, possessive gesture that she seems to revel in. The air around us crackles, charged with a raw hunger.

“How about we take you back to bed and dirty you up?” I suggest, pinching her ass.

“Yes! Please!” She’s already panting from Mickey massaging her tits, something he does at every chance he gets.

As soon as we’re back in the bedroom, Gail whips her tee off and shimmies out of her sleep-shorts. Then she lies back against the pillow, unashamed in her nudity. Mickey follows her, hovering over her on the bed, his lips latched onto her swollen tit, eagerly suckling. Her gasps fill the room as he worships her.

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