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“Let’s make today our bitch,” I declare, my chest swelling with a cocktail of anticipation and adrenaline.

“Damn straight,” Lucia agrees, and we exchange a look that says we’re in this together, come hell or high water. Let’s hope for the water.

We down the rest of our drinks, toss the empty bottles into a nearby recycling bin because we’re classy like that, and head off to conquer the day—one that’s bound to be filled with new users, notifications, and the electric buzz of success.

“Here’s to EduSync,” I say, more to myself than Lucia, “and to whatever crazy shit comes next.”

“Bring it on,” Lucia replies, echoing my thoughts exactly.

We stay on the corner until my feet hurt from being cramped into uncomfortable but pretty stilettos. Then we hail one of the cabs with EduSync’s picture, letting it drive us to our new office.

The office is minimal but functional, like something out of a startup Pinterest board come to life. Whitewashed walls, a neon sign proclaiming “EduSync HQ” in hipster script, and a pair of oversized bean bags tucked in one corner for those “creative brainstorming” sessions Luce swears by.

We’re both perched on the edge of our seats, our laptops open like modern-day treasure chests waiting to be filled. We’ve poured everything into EduSync, and now it’s like we’ve unleashed it into the wild—a digital beast ready to devour the market.

“Do you think it will work?” I ask, biting my lip as I boot up my laptop. The words are barely a whisper, but Lucia’s always been able to read me like an open book.

“It’s going to be a wild ride, Gail, but who the fuck wants boring?” she shoots back, and I can’t help but smile. She has a point.

We’re in this together, the two of us, like we have been since our freshman year of college when we bonded over our shared love of heavy makeup and bottomless tequila nights. We’ve been through the ringer and come out stronger for it, so why should launching a new business be any different?

“Look at this,” Luce breathes out, her eyes fixed on her screen where she has all of EduSync’s social media accounts open. A symphony of pings and dings filling the space between us as notifications roll in like waves crashing against the shore. My gaze flicks to my phone, watching it dance across the desk with each new alert. My heart races, adrenaline pumping through my veins with every vibration.

Since social media is Luce’s forte, I focus on the emails, tapping the icon and watching the unread count skyrocket. Each one is a siren call, beckoning me to dive into the sea of users, exploring what we’ve created. I feel like I’m on the cusp of something monumental, teetering on the edge of an abyss, ready to plunge into the unknown depths of success or failure.

“Damn,” Lucia chuckles, her voice thick with emotion, “it’s like Christmas morning, but instead of presents, it’s validation wrapped in user engagement.”

For the first time, I feel like I finally understand her passion for PR and social media. Seeing the numbers, the comments, and the content being shared is addictive—a natural high I never knew existed.

“The best kind of gift,” I agree, grinning like a Cheshire cat. My thumb swipes through the emails, each one a testament to the hunger for what we offer. A connection forms, invisible threads tying me to each stranger who’s taken a leap of faith on our platform. It’s intoxicating, heady, and so much sweeter than I ever imagined.

“Check this out,” Lucia nudges me, dragging my attention from my own device to hers. She’s already scrolling through an endless feed of posts, all hashtagging EduSync into the stratosphere. The influencers—our hand-picked cavalry—have launched their assault, and the internet is eating it up with a silver spoon.

For hours, we do nothing but refresh, watching the numbers climb, and climb, and… “Holy shit!” I exclaim when I refresh half an hour after the Sabertooths official account posted about our business, showing their support. “We’re trending. We’re fucking trending!” Disbelief and excitement lacing my voice.

This is it—the moment where dreams morph into reality, where abstract concepts solidify into tangible triumphs. As much as I love having Luce at my side, I really wish Mickey and Soren were here too. I’ve unblocked their numbers, and was kinda hoping I’d hear from them today, but so far it’s been crickets.

I know that’s my own fault; I really do. Firstly, how are they to know I’ve unblocked them when I haven’t told them? And… they both told me they loved me without hearing it back.

“No!” Luce’s harsh voice tears through my thoughts. “I know that face, and we’re not doing that today. You can pine for them all you want tomorrow, but today you’re mine.”

“Right.” I snap back to the present.

My phone chimes with another sale, and I can barely keep up with the flashing notifications. The numbers on our live sales dashboard are spinning fast, quickly soaring past the goals Lucia and I scribbled on a napkin at a strategy session. Each ding is like a shot of adrenaline straight to my heart, pumping me full of this intoxicating mix of pride and utter disbelief.

“Luce,” I breathe, my voice a cocktail of awe and excitement, “we’re killing it.”

She’s grinning, her eyes sparkling with victory as she watches our empire build, click by click. “We’re not just killing it, Gail—we’re annihilating it.”

As the late afternoon creeps in, Luce makes her excuses to leave, promising me she’ll see me soon. “Here’s the address. Don’t be late.”

“Sure, sure,” I agree, not even trying to get any details from her about the party I know she has planned. While she might think I believed her when she claimed it would just be a small, intimate event, I don’t. Luce doesn’t do anything half-hearted.

Knowing I have a couple of hours to kill, I stay in the office, refreshing every five minutes, feeling giddy as the numbers go up. Gah, what a freaking day.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought it was even possible to launch a company in five months, and I know for sure it couldn’t be done without someone like Luce at my side. Not just because a lot of these ideas are some she’s been working on for years, but because that’s how talented and gung-ho she is.

It’s almost time to leave, so I order a car from the app on my phone before grabbing my small handbag. Then I walk into the spacious bathroom so I can touch up my makeup, before heading out. When I walk out of the building the white car is already waiting for me, which is handy. Since the driver already knows where I’m going, I just lean back and enjoy the ride.

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