Page 25 of Command

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The uhyre scanned the room, eyes landing on the open medkit on the ground. “That is not where his heart is,” he muttered.

“We need to get him to the medbay.” Alina turned back to him and found him watching her with slitted eyes. What was he thinking? Did he think she was involved in this? Did she just sign her death warrant? Was he about to go into full on raging uhyre mode?

“No,” the alien snapped. “No humans.”

“He needssomeone. I… I can’t fix him here.”

“You will go to your medicinal area. Retrieve treatment equipment.”

“I’m not a doctor, I don’t even know?—”

“You will figure it out, human,” he hissed.

“What if I get stopped? Where is everyone anyway?”

Renza flicked his talons at her, his spikes rising like hackles. “You will run into no one tonight. Go.”

She’d been trained in first aid—everyone who resided on the command deck had been. That included tending to wounds, but this… This needed a whole regen pod, damn it. Alina reeled over her options as she sprinted toward the medbay. Like the red alien said, she didn’t run into any others.

Which made it the perfect time to go to Kaia and tell her what’s going on. This was not her job, and Kaia would know how to handle this.

I’d be killing him.

Kaia and Orion would be the first people wanting the half-dead alien on her floor fully dead. Alina had the opportunity now to put Orion back in command of the ship. She could save them all.

Or she could damn them. The ship was teeming with uhyre, wherever they were. Who was to say Threxin’s brother wouldn’t slaughter them all as soon as their commander was dead?

That’s not my call.

She barged into the medbay and flailed around in search of a doctor. A nurse she recognized from one of her laundry shift friends’ bar nights poked his head out of a neighboring room. His eyes widened as he took her in. Alina tightened the cardigan around herself.

“Here,” he beckoned, bolting into the hall to get to her.

“Not me.” Alina was shaking her head. “I need… equipment. Someone’s been attacked. With a firedagger.”

“I’m coming.” The nurse ducked back into the room, then emerged with a stretcher on rollers and a huge pack balancing atop it.

“N-no. Just the kit. Commander’s orders.”

It was technically not a lie. But she knew the nurse would assume “Commander” meant Orion, considering his wife was the one Alina worked for and was loyal to. Wassupposedto be loyal to anyway. Another head popped into the hall behind a few doors down.

“Look, I don’t know—I just have my orders,” Alina snapped when the man gave her an incredulous look.

She couldn’t afford to wait or argue. Channeling confidence she didn’t deserve, Alina grabbed the pack from the nurse’s arms and bolted, praying he didn’t follow.

Back at the door of her cabin, the blood was gone. So was the body of Threxin’s attacker.

Thank God.

Threxin’s brother wasn’t in the cabin when she entered. Another blessing. Alina crouched and opened the pack, rifling through the contents. She did mention the dagger and hoped that meant the nurse would’ve grabbed the relevant stuff.

The red one entered moments later, looking like he’d just taken a stroll when Alina guessed he was disposing of a corpse. She flashed back to the lumpy tarp she’d seen at the command center. It didn’t… look right.


The bandage wedge she’d applied may as well have not been there by this point. It was soaked in blood, doing nothing to stop the flow.

“Move.” The red uhyre shoved his shoulder into her ribs, sending her sprawling into the wall with a wincing yelp. Pain bloomed all along her spine, and she groaned under her breath as she got herself up and into a crouch.

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