Page 101 of Command

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She tracked those hands as they moved to unclasp the front of his trousers, at which point Alina ripped her gaze away. She couldn’t look as he moved to ease his half-hard shaft through the front of his unbuckled pants. She forced her eyes to the floor between his legs instead, resisting the urge to peek.

“You will watch, human.”

Alina’s throat clicked with a nervous swallow. She wantedto, but she couldn’t. How could she? She already felt like she wanted to disappear through the floor. Sure, she’d….done thingswith Threxin. Things that were utterly stupid. Things that could ruin her life if he’d had less restraint. But it had always been… Not like this. She’d never had to sit there and watch him like this.

“Alina…” There she was, making him repeat himself again. His patience would run out eventually, and there wasn’t a choice here—Alina sucked in a breath and forced her eyes up to his cock, wrapped in his hand. Even in his massive hand, the thing looked like an oversized spiked monster hardening in his grip. But a beautiful monster. A monster that wasn’t the nightmare everyone thought it to be, and they’d know it if only they’d bothered.

Stop gushing over his cock, Alina.

Why was he doing this anyway? Did he get off on making her uncomfortable like this? Did he like watching her squirm as she was made to stare at the way his fingers pushed past the faint spikes beginning to emerge at the underside of his shaft?

But Threxin seemed to be doing that thing again, watching her too intently and analytically.

“What are you doing?” Alina realized her thighs had pressed together and tensed, seeking pressure, without her even knowing when it happened.

“I am evaluating.”

Studying,she thought bitterly. Alina hated how she couldn’t prevent vivid images of what he could definitely never do to her with that cock from surfacing even as she worried about his using her as a damn lab rat again.

“I am evaluating how much you want this.”

Alina frowned. “H-how do you mean?”

There was a flash that could almost pass for vulnerability in Threxin’s eyes and it looked so foreign on his uhyre features that she was sure she’d imagined it. Her attentiongravitated back to his hand when his grip tightened. It was probably a good thing they could never actually have sex… That thing would never fit.

But I want it.

She couldn’t restrain the small whine that left her throat at the thought, adductors tensing to squeeze her thighs tighter. Threxin noticed, his blazing gaze flicking down to the spot below her belly.

“Undress and touch yourself,” he rasped.

“I don’t…” she started, but the rest of the half-hearted protest stopped in her throat at the way his eyes narrowed as his hand delivered a long, lazy stroke to his cock. It made a fresh run of heat blaze between her legs. Alina shimmied out of her leggings, then pushed up the hem of her shirt, twisting it in on itself to hold it up over her stomach.

“I told you not to wear that useless fabric,” Threxin chided at the sight of her black underwear.

“Yeah, well, I felt like it,” she snapped back. Alina didn’t need any shit about her choice to protest the day’s captivity by choosing to wear panties just now. Alina suddenly felt like caving in to this man’s perverted command was the last thing she should be doing. This was already so awkward. Which somehow made it even hotter… butsoawkward.

“Remove it.”

God, what a piece of work.

“Oh, shut up,” Alina shot back without thinking. A mistake. Her eyes widened as the uhyre rose from his seat, engorged cock bobbing upright. She shifted backward by instinct as he cleared the space to the bed in one effortless step.

Threxin paid her trepidation no mind as he bent down and snapped the crotch of her panties with a quick, effective rip. Alina clamped her teeth over her lip, scowling. He bent over her with one hand propped on the bed, his massive armlooming next to her head. The apertures beneath his cheeks swirled with inner fire.

I want to taste them.

Alina didn’t think her face could burn any hotter, but that thought did it.

“Touch yourself, human.” He looked at her as he said it. Then his burning eyes lowered, honing in on her exposed flesh. She shook her head and pressed her knees together tighter, craving pressure but refusing to be toyed with like this.

He had told her to touch herself, and damn it she wanted to so badly, but she also wanted to persist in her defiance at being treated like this. And every time she defied him, he just got closer and looked hungrier. Alina did know better than to try an uhyre’s patience.

But I trust him.

The thought hit her like an asteroid. It was all fucked up. She trusted him, but he thought it was appropriate to lock her in her cabin for an entire day just becausehedecided it was the best way to keep her safe. She trusted him, but he killed people.

Alina stared up at him as he loomed over her, icy eyes glowing and glazed over as his shoulder jerked. She tracked the movement, panting quietly as she trailed the length of his body down to his hand pumping his shaft above her. It was entrancing, the way the row of spikes began to engorge and pop out harder one by one beneath his machinations. Soon they were sleeking the way for his movements with a coat of glistening ebony.

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