Page 6 of Spider

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Rev stands between us. “Now you know the rules; no biting, no dick hitting, and no pussy slaps. This is bare knuckle boxing, so you use your fists and your fists only. You cheat, I will personally use my fist and shove it up your fucking ass. Am I clear?” Rev threatens. We both nod. “Good. Now make it fucking spectacular, and don’t fucking die,” he finishes. Jumping back, he signals for the bell.

The bell rings out and the fight begins. He swings his left fist first, and I swerve out of the way. I quickly hit him in the side with my right fist. He grunts as my hit lands, but he immediately swings back and this time with his right. I go to duck, but I’m not quick enough. As his fist connects with my brow, my head jolts with the hit. I move my feet quickly, giving myself space to recover. Keeping my fists up, I stare at him over my knuckles. He smirks, thinking he has me made.

I’ve lulled the prey into my lair, and now it’s time for me to show him exactly who he is fighting inside this circle. I lunge forward, and his eyes widen, not expecting me to launch straight for him. I swing my left, and he goes to duck without noticing my right coming in for an upper cut. My fist collides with his jaw, and his head whips back, causing him to stumble back. I don’t let up. I go for the knockout.

My fists hit his body, as well as his face. He’s barely standing. One more hit and he will be out cold. The crowd go wild, chanting my name over and over. My body is covered in a sheen of sweat, and as I step back, I make eye contact with a group of women. I lick my lower lip, stencilling a heart with my index finger on my abs. They let out a girlie scream, and I laugh, giving them a wink. Lifting my hand, I encourage the crowd to chant my name louder. The Executioner stands there, barely able to hold his head up. If this was legal boxing, it would have been stopped by now, but it’s not, and he’s fucking mine. I rear my fist back and slam it forward, causing his head to whip to the side. Blood and spit fires from his mouth before his body crumbles to the floor.

The crowd cheer and Rev enters the circle and grabs my hand. “Your champion!” he yells. He leans in closer to me. “Try and make it to fucking round 2 next time,” he scoffs quietly in my ear.

“Hey, I gave them a show.” I shrug as I hold out my hand. “Pay up.” I wink.

Rev rolls his eyes before he reaches into this back pocket and pulls out the remainder of my earnings. Coco Cummings comes running over in her ridiculous high heels. “Rev,” she states. Pausing, she looks at me. “Hey handsome.” She winks.

“Hey darlin’.” I grin.

“Err Rev, we have a problem,” she states.

“What?” he asks.

Coco points behind him, and as we both turn and look, we see the Executioner unmoving. “Shit, you ain’t supposed to kill them Spider.” Rev sighs. He clicks his fingers and signals for a couple of his men to come in and drag him out of the circle.

“Where are they taking him?” I ask.

Rev raises a brow. “Seriously? You’re asking me that? You discuss your club business freely?” he asks.

“Fair point.” I smile.

“Now piss off. I have to entertain the masses,” Rev orders, clicking his fingers and shooing me away. Coco blows me a kiss as she walks away, draping her arm over Rev’s shoulders. I laugh and shake my head as I walk back to the changing room. Thankfully, the crowd disperses and follow Rev.

As I turn the corner, I hear someone cough. I look up and see one of the women from earlier. I grab a towel and wipe the sweat from my body. “You shouldn’t be back here,” I state as I look her up and down. She’s hot, curvy, and the satin dress she’s wearing doesn’t leave much to the imagination.

She twirls her hair between her fingers. “I know, but I had to come and congratulate you personally on your win,” she says softly.

“Thanks,” I say with a shrug.

She walks toward me, her hips swaying from side to side. Stopping just in front of me, she seductively glides the thin straps of her dress off her shoulders, letting it pool at her stiletto heeled feet, exposing her completely naked body to me.

“I figured the champ would want to celebrate,” she rasps seductively.

I look down at her body, licking my bottom lip. “Turn around, bend over, spread your legs, and brace yourself against the wall,” I demand.

Her eyes spark with excitement before she turns around and walks to the wall. Bending over, she places her palms on the wall to brace herself.

I step toward her and pull a condom from my pocket. As I begin to unbutton my jeans, she peers over her shoulder at me. Freeing my cock, I rip the condom open with my teeth and roll it down my length. Positioning myself at her entrance, I remind her exactly what this is.

“This is just a one time fuck, nothing more. No foreplay, no kissing. Nothing about this is going to be gentle or affectionate. Understand?” I ask.

She nods. “Fuck me, Spider,” she whines.

I grab her hips and slam inside her.



It’s early,and I haven’t heard a single person move around. I quietly get up and go in search for the kitchen, deciding it would be nice if I cooked them breakfast. My way of saying thank you. I quickly find the ingredients I need and begin cooking. As well as the usual, I make my special fluffy pancakes, waffles, and some fresh bread rolls. I was pleasantly surprised to find baking ingredients in their kitchen. Not to judge, but I didn’t think they would be the baking type of people.

While I am busy whisking up more pancake batter, a deep voice startles me. “What the fuck is going on?” I jump and spin around, seeing Spider stood there, his eyes scanning over the mess I’ve made in the kitchen.

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