Page 51 of Spider

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He smiles as he slowly wipes his cum from his stomach and holds his finger up to my lips. “Open your mouth, sweetheart,”he demands. I open my mouth, and as he places his finger inside, I close my lips around him, sucking his arousal off, moaning at the taste.

He shakes his head. “No sweetheart, you’re wrong. Watching you take my cum in your mouth is fucking beautiful. Watching you come apart on my cock while screaming my name is fucking stunning.”

A loud bang on the metal door makes me jump. “Pres said get you dick back in your pants and come to church,” Hawk yells through the door before laughing.

“This isn’t over. You are coming home with me tonight,” he states as he helps both of us stand.

“What? You want to go again?” I ask, smiling.

He stops buttoning up his jeans and cups my face, a smile on his face. “Sweetheart, we are going to go again and again and a-fuckin-gain,” he says before placing a chaste kiss on my lips. “Now, get dressed before the prospects start wanking over the security footage,” he says. Stepping back, he points to the camera.

“Oh my god!” I screech, grabbing my dress. “Why didn’t you say something?” I ask.

He grabs his top, but doesn’t bother to put it on. “There was nothing that was going to stop me from fucking you, sweetheart,” he says. Grabbing my hand in his, he leads us out.

“How are you not drunk?” I ask. “You drank like half a bottle of whiskey,” I point out.

“I can handle my drink,” he adds. Opening the door to the club, he gestures for me to go first and as soon as we step foot inside, we are greeted with loud cheers and hoots. I cover my face in his chest to hide my embarrassment. He laughs, kissing the top of my head.

“You certainly like to pick your fucking moments.” Hawk laughs.

“Just tell me it wasn’t in that Cadillac I’m working on?” Beast asks.

“No. When did you all get back?” Spider asks.

“While you were procreating in the garage,” Rage states.

“Jesus Christ, can we change the subject?!” Acid protests, walking up to us. Him and Spider exchange a look. “The only reason I have given in is because she’s smiling. I haven’t seen her that happy since I’ve been back, but you fucking hurt her and I will slit your throat,” Acid threatens.

“Brother, if I hurt her, I will slit my own fucking throat,” Spider counters.

“Okay, enough with the mushy shit. Hurray, they fucking sorted their shit out. Now we can get on with shit that matters. Like fucking church!” Ghost barks.

“Star, you refusing him sex or something? He’s a grumpy fuck,” Hawk asks Star as he walks across the bar to church.

“I’ve never refused him. He knows I will ride him anytime, anywhere,” Star beams. “So, to answer your question, he is just a grumpy fucker.” She smiles.

Spider leans down and gives me a chaste kiss. “Won’t be long.” I nod and go to sit on the couch with the others.

“Man, that’s going to take some getting used to. I’m fighting every urge in me to not punch you in the fucking face,” Acid states as he walks with Spider.

“Can I just say that you two have given me grey hairs! From the moment you stepped foot into this club, every one of us could see the spark between you, apart from you dumb fucks,” Star states. Queenie and Maggie laugh. “I mean alright, we will let you off with the whole Acid being your brother thing, because that had reason for it to go tits up. Especially with these lot,” Star continues. “Actually, you know what? The only time they have fucking morals is when it affects something that’s theirs.” Star tuts. “Toddlers.”

“Aside from the fact you and Spider have finally accepted your feelings, your ex pimp is a real douche canoe,” Maggie says, scrunching her face up in disgust.

I smile a sad smile. “Yeah, he is,” I agree.

“I haven’t told Ghost what he said, because if I had, there would have been three dead bodies today,” Star states.

“What did he say?” I ask.

“He said, I’m next. After he’s got you, he’s coming for me, and that he is going to do things to me. I stopped listening at that point and just laughed in his face.” Star shrugs like it’s no big deal.

“I’m sorry. You shouldn’t be dragged into this. Maybe I should have just gone out and dealt with him,” I say, feeling awful that I’m bringing this to their doorstep. Star throws her head back and laughs. “Why is she laughing?” I ask, confused.

Queenie smiles. “Because that threat is nothing. Each and everyone here has had problems, issues that has required the club’s help, that required the family’s help, and that is exactly what we are. We are your family. Our help isn’t a favour. It isn’t something you should ever feel bad in asking for or receiving.”

“Oh,” I say, a warm fuzzy feeling swirling around my stomach. “I’ve never really had a family before. Not like this anyway,” I admit.

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