Page 50 of Spider

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I didn’t knowNash was stood there watching me pretty much fall apart. I felt a loss as soon as Spider put me down and left. I reach up and wipe away my tears, giving Acid a small smile, watching as he runs his hand through his hair. It’s then that it sinks in that his T-shirt is covered in blood.

“Holy shit, what happened?” I ask. It’s also that moment that it occurs to me that Spider was also covered in blood.

Acid sits down next to me, holding his head in his hands before he sighs and turns to look at me. “You love him,” he states.

I frown and shake my head. “I don’t know what you mean.”

Acid scoffs and shakes his head. “All this time, I thought you were just another fuck to him. You know that in the entire time I’ve known him, I have never seen him that worried. Not when we’ve had guns pointed at us, and not even when we had a shower of fucking bullets firing down on us. Even though we knew you were safe inside the club, he was worried about you. He knew you would be scared, and he couldn’t move fucking quick enough to come find you,” Acid states, shaking his head. He pauses and turns his body so he’s facing me. “I fucked up. I thought I was being the brother I should have been, protectingyou. When in reality, I should have known my best friend better. I should have trusted him and you.” He sighs. “He’s in the garage. Go to him.” Acid gets up and walks to the door. Stopping, he turns. “I caused you a life of misery. You deserve to be happy,” he states before leaving the room.

I sit there, confused by what he means before I jump to my feet and get up. “Nash?” I call after him, but when I look down the hall, he is nowhere to be seen. I pause for a moment, wondering if he really meant it. I smile, biting my lip and make my way down the hall through the bar and head to the door.

“Where are you going?” Maggie asks.

“Spider,” is all I say before walking out. I jog across the gravelled parking lot to the garage. Opening the door, I walk in. It’s dark due to it being dimly lit, and it’s hard to see as I slowly walk past the bikes and tools. “Luca?” I call out. No response, but I do hear the clink of a bottle coming from the far corner. I walk that way, squinting my eyes. It’s then that I see him sat on some tires, leaning against the wall with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. “Luca,” I call again.

His eyes land on me, a frown on his face. “You shouldn’t be here,” he states.

I step closer to him, stopping just in front of him. “Nash sent me. He told me to come find you,” I say softly. He leans forward and I run my fingers through his dark hair. He drops the bottle to the floor, and the feel of his hands grazing up the back of my legs to my behind is all I need. He pulls me towards him so I’m straddling his lap. His hand tucks my hair behind my ear before cupping my face. I reach out and delicately trace my fingers over the cut above his eye. “What happened?” I ask softly.

His eyes flicker to my mouth. “No talking. I’ve missed this mouth. I’ve dreamt about this fucking mouth,” he states, stroking his thumb along my bottom lip. He leans in closer, hisbreath tickling across my lips. “Give it to me, sweetheart,” he demands.

I press my mouth to his, reigniting those feelings I’ve been trying so hard to suppress.

His tongue dances with mine as he deepens the kiss. At the same time, he glides his hand down my back to my behind, pulling me closer. Feeling his hard erection beneath me, I begin to rock my hips. He groans into my mouth. I quickly take the leap and break the kiss, lifting myself up slightly and reaching for his fly.

“Sweetheart,” he growls. I look into his eyes.

“Please,” I beg. His gaze searches mine before he reaches between us, freeing his incredible thick hard length. “Wow,” I breathe, looking down between us.

“Sweetheart, you’ve had my dick before,” he states. “Why are you acting so surprised now?” He smirks.

“I didn’t get to see it properly before, but bravo. That’s impressive and so pretty,” I compliment.

“Sweetheart, don’t ever say my dick is pretty again,” he growls.

I bite my bottom lip, smiling as I stand and slide my underwear down my legs, letting it fall to the floor. His eyes dance with desire as I grab the hem of my dress and lift it over my head and drop it to the floor. I stand in front of him completely naked, watching as he sits there, his eyes sweeping over my body while he pumps his fist up and down his cock. I straddle his lap, placing my hands on his shoulders as he positions himself at my entrance. My mouth parts as I slowly lower myself down, taking him inch by inch. I close my eyes as my body stretches to accommodate him.

“Look at me, sweetheart. Eyes on me while my dick is inside you,” he demands.

I smile and open my eyes as I take the last of him. I rock my hips back and forth, making him groan. Needing to feel his body against mine, I tug at the hem of his T-shirt up. He lifts his arms up, helping me remove it. I quickly chuck it to the ground and it’s then that I see his body is covered in bruises from fighting. I delicately trace my fingers across his body, watching his muscles twitch under my touch.

His hands grip my hips as I begin to lift myself up and down his length. He wraps his arms around me, pressing my body to his, trailing his mouth along my neck as I ride him.

“Harder, sweetheart. I want you to ride my dick like your life depends on it,” he growls in my ear. His teeth nips my earlobe, and I quickly pick up the pace, rocking and lifting my hips.

“Oh god,” I moan, closing my eyes as pleasure starts to grow through my body.

“Give me your eyes,” he groans. I quickly do as he says, looking at him through hooded eyes as I ride him with abandon, taking what my body needs, what it’s been craving for weeks. “That’s it, take what you need. Come apart on my cock,” he pants. Pleasure begins to erupt, and my walls start to tighten around him as my orgasm crashes through my body.

“Oh fuck, I’m cuming,” I cry out.

“Say my name, sweetheart,” he orders.

“Luca, fuck!” I cry out as the pleasure continues to wash over me. After a long moment, I slow as my body begins to relax.

“Shit,” Luca groans as he lifts me off his dick. He reaches between us, pumping his hand up and down his shaft, chasing his release. “Fuck, fuck,” he groans before he cums.

His green eyes are hooded with arousal as he watches me, his chest heaving. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful than you right now,” I state.

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