Page 40 of Spider

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He chuckles. “Firstly sweetheart, let me be honest. That first day, I was trying to fuck you.” I sit up and look at him shocked. He laughs harder. “Hell, who am I kidding? I’m always going to try and fuck you.” He laughs and I choke on my drink. “Don’t be so fucking surprised darlin’, you are extremely hot. Like unknowingly hot. Which only makes you sexier. And I’m a red blooded male, a biker. I liked what I saw, and I made my play,” he confesses. “Fuck, if I could, I would still be making my play,” he adds.

I jab my elbow in his ribs and he laughs harder, holding his side. “But I didn’t sleep with you,” I snap. “And wait a minute. We nearly kissed and you stopped that by going off with little miss plastic boobs,” I point out.

He raises his brow. “Little miss plastic boobs, huh?” His laughter slowly dies. “I wanted you. Fuck, I wanted your mouth. All of it, but I am no asshole, darlin’. You didn’t, and if you think you did, it was for all the wrong fucking reasons. I fuck women. I fuck a lot of women, but I will never fuck a woman that isn’t 100 percent into it. No doubts, no regrets,” he states.

I pull a face. “I guess that’s kind of a nice thing to say. Thank you for not giving me a regret.” I smile.

He laughs before pulling me back into his side, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “You’re welcome, darlin’.”

Nash looks around for me, and as his eyes land on me he smiles, but that soon fades when he sees Scar is sat with his arm around me. He storms over, looking furious.

“Uh-oh,” I mutter, sitting up. “Nash, calm down. It isn’t what you think,” I say, trying to stop him, but he doesn’t listen.

He swings his fist directly into Scar’s face, knocking him off the bench with a thud. He leans over Scar and grabs him by the scruff of the neck. “You think you can fuck my kid sister?!” he yells before slamming his fist into Scar’s face again.

“Stop it!” I scream.

“Just stay out of this, Nova. He crossed a fucking line,” Nash snaps.

“No, he hasn’t! He was just being a friend,” I try to explain.

Nash shakes his head, letting out a cynical laugh. “Is that what he fucking called it?” he spits before slamming his fist into Scar’s face again.

I try to pull Nash off him, but I’m just knocked to the floor. “Someone stop him!” I yell. Beast and Rage come running over and successfully pull him off Scar. I crouch down and help Scar sit up. “Why would you do that?!” I yell at Nash.

He’s panting as Beast and Rage hold him. “He fucked you, my baby sister,” Nash snaps back. “I haven’t seen you inyears. For years I thought you were dead, and this fucker took advantage and fucked you,” he seethes.

“He hasn’t! We have never slept together. If you would just listen!” I furiously yell.

Nash stares at me for a moment, trying to decide if I’m telling the truth. “Fuck,” he rasps after a moment. He shrugs Beast’s and Rage’s hold off and bends down, holding out his hand to Scar. Scar takes it and Nash helps him to his feet. “I’m sorry, brother,” he apologises. “I just saw red. I’ve just been reunited with my baby sister, and I thought, well you know what I thought. Fuck, I’m sorry,” Nash says, continuing to apologise.

Scar nods. “Would have done the same if it was my sister.” He coughs. Ghost hands Scar a bottle of whiskey, which he takes and downs a large amount. “Fuck, this is going to be sore in the morning,” he groans as he sits down on the bench. I sit next to him and grab a napkin, pressing it against a cut on his cheek.

“Nova, I’m sorry,” Nash apologises.

“You’ve been out of my life for years. What right do you have to determine who I get to be with?!” I say sharply. I look around and all of the MC is looking between Spider and me. I glance at Spider and shake my head. We can never tell him what happened between us. If he can be this angry with Scar, what the hell will he be like with Spider? “Go cool off and leave me alone,” I fume.

“Nova, I’m sorry,” Nash apologises again before walking away.

I return my attention to Scar. “I’m so sorry,” I tell him softly.

He smiles while still wincing in pain. “No problem, sweetheart. It’s what we do. Lay down our lives for our family, even if that means going against another brother.” He smirks.

I grab another napkin, ensuring to hold his face as still as I can so I can do my best to take care of the cut. “Well, myself and Spider are in your debt. You name it, and I will do it.”

“You and Spider, huh? Well, I’m no mathematician, but I count that as 3 of us, sweetheart. What do you say? Reckon you could handle the both of us?” he asks, winking.

I laugh and shake my head. “Seriously, you’ve just got your ass beaten for not sleeping with me. You really want to risk it again, for actually sleeping with me?”

Scar shrugs. “We’ve all got to die some time, and the way I see it if Acid was to kill me after that, I’d die a happy man,” he brags.

I look at him. “You’re serious, aren’t you?” I ask, feeling a little astounded that he would suggest it, and more to the point, why does the thought of being shared excite me a little?

His eyes sparkle. “I’m as serious as you are thinking about it,” he counters, seeing the intrigue on my face.

My cheeks heat and I shake my head. “No, just no,” I state firmly.

Scar smiles. “I’ve awakened something, haven’t I, darlin’?”

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