Page 37 of Spider

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“I don’t,” he adds before taking another drag. He walks around and sits down opposite me. His glacial intense gaze cuts through me, making me shift uncomfortably. “You know I don’t need to reiterate the fact that he overstepped by fucking you,” Ghost says bluntly.

“Yeah, I got that.” I nod with a tight smile. “I don’t see how it’s any of your business, or anyone else’s. But as you say, club rules, or whatever reason you give,” I say, feeling irritated.

He shakes his head as he drops the cigarette to the floor before stomping it out with his booted foot. “You don’t get our way of life, and that’s fine. I ain’t asking for your understanding, but I am demanding that you fucking respect it. Him and Acid are brothers, best friends. What he did, fucking you, it was not only crossing the line, but it was disrespectful to Acid. You don’t fuck your best friend’s sister. If you were my sister, Spider would be dead,” he states sternly. He means it, too.

“I respect it, but I’m sure even my brother would understand that we are grown adults who are capable to make up our own minds,” I argue. “It was a one time thing, something that shouldn’t have happened, but in the heat of the moment, it did. That’s all there is to it,” I defend.

Ghost’s lips tip up in the corners. He shakes his head as he stands. “I’m an asshole. I can be a mean motherfucker. Hell darlin’, I am many things, but one thing I ain’t is stupid, so don’t treat me like I am,” he warns, holding up his index finger to stop me from interrupting. “And if you are about to argue it some more, then it’s you that is fucking stupid to think you have any control of the situation, when it’s the situation that has control over both of you,” he states before he walks away.

“But how do I stop it if I’m not in control?” I yell after him.

“You fight it, and you take yourself out of it. You fucking respect it,” he yells back.

I sigh, feeling even more conflicted than before Ghost gave me a talk.



I could usually relyon the open road to clear my head, but not now. Even when I’m not with her, she is invading my every thought. I shake my head and turn into a motel parking lot. Getting off my bike, I head into reception to check in.

“Room for couple of nights if you got it?” I ask the guy behind the counter.

“That will be 300,” he states. I reach into my pocket and pull out a lump of cash, chucking it on the counter. His eyes practically light up when he sees the money, like he didn’t expect me to have it. “Fill this in,” he says as he slides over a clipboard for me to fill out my details.

I fill it out with false details, just in case anything goes south, there is nothing to tie me to it.

“Hey, you seen this guy?” I ask him. He looks down at the photo on my phone, then back to me, looking a little cautious. I roll my eyes and point to the patch on my cut. “He’s a brother, not an enemy. I’m just trying to find him to make sure he’s okay,” I explain.

“How do I know that? You could be lying,” he says, crossing his arms over his portly belly.

I roll my eyes and pull out a fifty, sliding it across the counter to him. “Does this help reassure you that I’m not looking to hurt him?” I ask.

He takes the money and slides it in his pocket. “It does. I’ve seen him about in the bar across the street,” he says, pointing to the door.

I turn and look in that direction. “Thanks.” I nod and after taking the key, I walk across the lot to my room. I survey the bar, seeing no sign of another MC or gang. Once I’ve dropped my bag in the room along with my cut, I head over there, deciding I will just sit in the corner and wait until Acid shows up.

“Hi, what can I get ya?” a good looking woman asks from behind the bar.

I smile. “Just a soda thanks, and do you do food?” I ask.

She nods. “Yeah, we do. We’ve got the best burgers in the area,” she beams.

“Great. Just a cheeseburger and fries please, darlin’,” I order, chucking some money on the bar.

She takes the money and hands me my drink. “Go take a seat, and I will bring it on over when it’s done,” she offers.

I walk over to the table at the far side and take a seat, positioning myself so I can see the layout of the entire bar. It’s a nice place. Sports is playing on the TV above the bar, there’s a pool table in the far corner, and a few people are sat having lunch.

The woman behind the bar walks over a few moments later with my food, taking my attention. She smiles before placing it down. “Here you go, honey.”

“Thanks.” I smile and nod.

“Can I get you anything else? Any sauce?” she asks.

I shake my head. “No thanks, darlin’.”

“Okay,” she breathes. She’s about to walk away, but she pauses. “You know, you talk just like a guy that comes in here. He calls me darlin’,” she states.

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