Page 33 of Spider

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“Come on then, you motherfucker. Hit me,” he snarls. I grit my teeth, fighting back every urge inside me. I step back and swing my fist into the wall, my knuckles splitting from the force of the contact. “You have fucked up. She is your best friend’s fucking sister! Your brother in arms, your fucking family! Not only that, but she was fucking attacked, nearly god damn raped,and you thought what a great fucking idea that it will be fucking her!” he roars.

I wipe the corner of my mouth, seeing blood on the back of my hand. I turn around and face him. “It wasn’t like that. I tried to stay away from her, but even when I was being a complete fucking prick to her, I found myself wanting to be fucking near to her,” I sigh.

“Well, fucking try harder. I don’t want to lose my VP because you can’t keep it in your fucking pants,” he snaps.

“You seriously going to fucking make me leave over this shit?” I ask. “I have been nothing but loyal to you and the club,” I counter.

“You wouldn’t be fucking leaving. I ain’t going to be the one that decides. That will be down to Acid when he finds out you’ve been fucking his sister,” Ghost points out. “If she was my sister, I’d fucking kill you,” he adds.

“Send her away,” I state. “Make her go and stay with Beast or Hawk, for her own safety if nothing else.”

“If nothing else? You mean to keep her away from your dick?” Ghost sighs, shaking his head. “At least you ain’t knocked her up, I suppose,” he adds.

I wince. “Yeah, about that.”

Ghost glares at me he strides to me. Grabbing me by the neck, he slams me against the wall. “You fucking got her pregnant?!” he yells.

“No, I don’t fucking know. We literally just had sex before you guys showed up. It just happened,” I explain. He reaches between us, his fist grabbing hold of my dick, squeezing it tightly. “Fuck Pres, easy,” I wheeze in agony.

“You’re my fucking VP. You earned that fucking patch, and now you’re acting worse than those fuckers. Worse than those horny jumped up little pricks, the prospects. You want to keep your fucking balls, I suggest you keep them in your pants,because I swear if they ever leave, I will cut them off and make you fucking choke on them. Do you understand?” he threatens as he twists my balls in his vice like grip.

“Fuck!” I hiss in pain. “Yeah. I get it,” I pant.

He releases his grip and I crumble to the floor, cupping my balls in my hands. “You fuck up again, I will strip you of your fucking patch. When all the others are being a pain in the ass, it’s you I rely on. Now I’ve got to watch you like a fucking toddler,” he fumes before he turns to open the door. “My fucking VP!” he rants as he leaves.

Rage comes to the door and looks down at me on the floor. The fucker smirks as he shakes his head. “Want some ice?” he asks.

“Fuck you,” I wheeze.

He just nods and shuts the door behind him.

Once I’m able to get to my feet, I walk out of the garage and through to the living room. Hawk’s eyes land on my busted lip and he coughs back a laugh. Beast takes one look at me and shakes his head. Then my eyes land on hers, watching as she rushes over to me.

“Oh my god, are you okay?” she asks, holding my face in her hands. I look past her to Ghost who is giving me a stern look.

“I’m fine, just club business,” I state, brushing her off.

She frowns and turns to look at Ghost. “You do this? You think this is being a family? Why? Why would you do this?” she asks, going toe to toe with Ghost.

Ghost crosses his arms. “It ain’t your business darlin’, it’s club business. Spider knows what he’s done wrong and that’s all there is to it.”

She huffs. “What has he done that is so wrong? What? Is it because he fucked me?”

“Knew that was coming,” Beast mutters.

“Jesus Christ,” I sigh before I slump down on the sofa, pinching the bridge of my nose.

“You are unbelievable. You are no different than Dean dictating who I can and can not fuck. Who made you fucking God? Huh? Do you know what? Fuck this,” Nova says before she snatches her ripped underwear off the side. “Fuck you, and you, and you, and you,” she says, pointing individually to Ghost, Beast, Hawk, and Rage.

“Yeah, and fuck you, too!” Rage yells back.

“Rage,” Hawk chastises.

Nova stops in front of me on the sofa. “And you, especially you, fuck you!” she snaps, lifting her foot and slamming it down on my nuts before she storms out of the house.

“Fuuuuuck,” I moan as I slide off the sofa to the floor in a foetal position.

“Man, your nuts are taking a fucking beating.” Hawk laughs.

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