Page 18 of Spider

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“I go away for a while, and you’ve already bagged yourself the new girl?” a deep voice says from behind us. We turn around and see Beast stood there with a big grin.

Scar lets go of me and gives Beast a manly hug and a slap on the back. “Good to have you back, brother,” Scar says before stepping back. “And it ain’t what you think. I’m just keeping Nova here company,” Scar explains.

Beast raises a brow. “Is that what you’re calling it now?”

I quickly interrupt. “It’s true. We are just friends,” I add. Belle walks over and wraps her arms around Beast. He holds her close, looking down on her with so much love and adoration.

“Hi, I’m Belle. We didn’t get a chance to meet properly at the wedding, mostly because this one dragged me off,” she says, rolling her eyes.

“Darlin’, I don’t remember hearing you protest. You did a lot of screaming and shouting, but that was just you begging for more,” Beast states.

Belle’s cheeks go red, and she presses her face into his torso to hide her embarrassment. “Seriously. I’m so sorry,” she apologises. “He has no filter,” she adds, shaking her head.

“It’s fine.” I laugh.

“Scar,” a woman’s voice purrs from behind us. I turn and see a pretty blonde woman in a very tight and short dress. I look down at my outfit in comparison; a thin strapped white linen maxi dress. It’s what people would class as a hippy type dress, but I like it and I feel sexy in it, as I can’t wear a bra and I have to wear the tiniest thong, so it doesn’t show through the white material. Compared to what that girl is wearing though, I’m practically dressed like a nun.

Scar turns his full attention to the woman, or girl. She looks so young. “Excuse me,” he says before placing his hand on the back of the woman’s neck. Well, I guess I was not anything special to Scar. Just another number on his checklist.

“She’s 20, a new bunny, so don’t take it personally,” Belle whispers in my ear.

“Oh, I wasn’t. I mean, I don’t think... Well, we never went there or planned to,” I ramble. Belle looks to Beast and they both smirk at my embarrassment. “Er, I’m just going to go and get a soda,” I say before sliding away. I walk into the kitchen and sigh. How do I always manage to make a complete tit of myself?

I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water before pushing myself up on the counter. I sit there, leaning against the wall, staring out the window, listening to the sounds of muffled music and people talking and laughing. Suddenly, the door swings open and I jump as I see Spider walk in. He goes to the fridge and grabs some lemons before closing the door.

“I thought you were escaping the party like me,” I say softly.

He spins around, his eyes landing on me. “No,” he answers before he turns to leave.

“Why do you hate me?” I press.

He pauses, his back to me. “I don’t hate you,” he snaps.

“Then why won’t you ever talk to me? And when you look at me, there is either hatred or pity. Is that what it is, you pity my situation? I’m not worthy of your time because I’m an ex-junkie and an ex-whore?!” I snap, fed up of trying to read his moods.

Spider spins around and storms towards me. He slams his hands down on the counter on either side of my hips, caging me in. “I couldn’t give a shit about who you were in your past,” he seethes.

I lean in close, my temper rising. “Then why do you continue to treat me like shit?”

His eyes darken as his jaw ticks. His hands grab my hips, yanking me forward. I gasp as he nestles between my legs. “Is this what you want? You want me to touch you? To fuck you?” he growls, his fingers digging into my flesh.

My heart is racing. I don’t know what to say or how to react. “Do you want to fuck me?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper. “Is that why you do this, trap my body with yours?” I press.

He smirks. “Fuck no.” He steps back, releasing his hold of me. “We will never fuck, so I suggest you run back to Scar,” he adds before walking away.

Feeling confused, pissed and humiliated all at once, I jump off the counter and storm towards him. Not thinking and only acting on my anger, I rear my fist back and hit him in the back. He freezes and slowly turns around.

I gasp. “Shit, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” I ramble. He takes a step towards me, backing me into a corner, all while I continue to ramble my apology. “You, you just make me so mad, and I’m not usually an aggressive person. But you... You just, argggh!” I rant.

He lifts his hand and I flinch. He raises his brow as he slowly glides his hand up, cupping my jaw. Lowering his head, his lips graze over mine. “The feeling is fucking mutual. You infuriateme. Just you being here creates a burning rage within my chest. Everything about you gets under my skin. The way you walk, the way you laugh, the way you smile. The way you wear this hippy shit that reveals so much of your skin,” he rasps low in his chest. He pauses as he trails his fingers from my jaw down to my neck, then to my chest to the swell of my breast. I suck in a shuddering breath and his eyes flicker to mine. “I fucking hate everything you make me feel.”

I search his eyes. Leaning up on my toes, I close the small distance, but just as our lips touch, the kitchen door swings open. Spider jumps back.

“Woah, sorry. Didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” Hawk smirks.

Spider grabs his bottle of water and storms past Hawk. “Fuck off, like I would touch that,” he snaps as he walks out of the kitchen. I would be lying if I said that remark didn’t hurt. Hawk’s smile falls and his concerned gaze lands on me.

I quickly plaster on a smile before I walk over to grab my water and take a drink. “That’s better, needed that. Back to the party.” I sigh as I walk past him all breezy, when inside I just want to curl up in the corner and hide. Before I walk into the bar area, I lean against the wall to catch my breath.

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