Page 10 of Spider

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Ghost tenses his jaw, his gaze piercing. “What proof do you have that she is hiding something?” he asks calmly.

I pause. I swore to Acid that his secret would stay with me, that I would take it to the fucking grave. Not about to break my promise to Acid, I lie. “I don’t. I thought that Cash could look into her or some shit.” I shrug my shoulders as I sit back and light my cigarette.

Ghost bites down on his bottom lip, thinking. “I don’t think she’s anything other than what she says she is. But I hear youabout Acid. He has normally checked in by now,” he states, tapping his finger on the table. “That aside, you behave like that again, while wearing that patch, I will personally beat your fucking ass. We are not some fucking gang that terrorises the public. Shit brother, smoking in the mall just so you could fucking start with the guard? You ain’t no kid. What the fuck were you playing at?” Ghost seethes.

I know he’s got a point. What I did was fucking stupid and childish. I sigh and shake my head. “Fuck if I know. I don’t know, it’s like I need to fight.”

Because she’s bringing things up from the past,I think to myself.

“You just fought,” Ghost points out.

“I know, but it was no challenge. I knocked the fucker out in minutes,” I point out.

“Yeah, I heard. You put him in a coma,” Ghost counters.

I look at him and raise my brow. “Shit, really?” I ask.

Ghost nods. “Yeah, I don’t know what shit you’ve got going on inside that fucking head of yours, and I can’t tell you how to fix it, but fuck me brother, fix it. You are my VP. I can’t have you going off on one. You want to do your fights, then great, do it. Just don’t go around killing your opponents,” he states.

“I didn’t kill him,” I defend.

“You don’t know that yet until he wakes up,” Ghost argues.

I rub my face. “Fuck,” I groan.

“You need a break? Like Acid?” Ghost asks.

I pause. Do I? The club is all I’ve known, apart from the Quade house, and I sure as shit ain’t going back to living that way.

“Think about it. I don’t want you to fucking go, but if you need it, then we will vote on it,” he states.

I nod before my cell pings with a message.

Rev; Tonight. You in?

I quickly type my reply.

S; Yeah, send me details.

“Rev?” Ghost asks.

I nod. “Yeah, got a fight tonight,” I state.

Ghost nods. “I will let the brothers know. We can come support you and hopefully you won’t kill this poor fucker. Plus, we haven’t been in a while. It will be good for the brothers to get away from here without the ol’ ladies.” Ghost smiles.

I laugh. “Fuck, don’t let Star hear you say that.”

Ghost stands, his cell in hand, already texting. “Right, I’ve told the brothers. I’ve got to go sweeten Star.” He winks.

“Fucking pussy whipped!” I yell after him.

He holds his right hand up, flipping me off as he walks out of the room. I sit there for a while longer, thinking over what he said.



Walking past,I see Spider sat in a room on his own, just staring straight ahead, looking lost in his own thoughts. I am not sure why I do it, because he clearly doesn’t like me. I walk in, tapping lightly on the door so not to startle him. His head whips in my direction, and his angry gaze instantly makes me regret my decision.

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