Page 14 of Take My Hand

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“I have twenty-five, so when Liam and Zak get here, we give Zak the cash and get him to go to the shop. Mr Monroe doesn’t know him, and he looks old enough.”

“Mr Monroe will still ask him for ID; you know he will,” she snapped.

“Well, we obviously can’t get it ourselves, so what do you want me to do?” I threw my hands in the air, beyond frustrated with one of my best friends.

“Your dad owns a bar, Madeline.”

I gasped and stared at her open mouthed for a few seconds. “You Madeline’d me.”

Emma looked suitably apologetic. “I’m sorry, okay, I didn’t mean it. I really didn’t. I’m so, so sorry.”

“Oh, for God’s sake, Emma, stop acting like you just killed my pet puppy. Now,” I said. “how do you feel about that plan? About asking Zak to go and try and buy us some booze.”

She thought about it for a second and then nodded. “Okay. We’ll ask Zak.”

“No,” Zak said a little later as he stood in the doorway, arms folded over his chest. “It isn’t happening, love.”

“W-what?” I asked, totally distracted by the way his hair, sticking up in all directions after he’d pulled off his blue beanie, looked. It was a mess, but he looked amazing. He smelled amazing.

“I said,” he leaned forward, arms still folded and his noses inches from mine, “I won’t go and get your booze,love.”

“But why not?” Emma asked, her voice a high-pitched screech of despair. “We don’t have any if you don’t go and get some.” She shoved her hand into the front pocket of her jeans and pulled out some notes, holding them in the air. “I have cash. Maddy has cash, so why not?”

“We can’t have a party without booze,” Ana said, pushing past Zak into the living room to throw herself down on Emma’s mum’s pink leather sofa. “I mean, Liv and I kept to our side of the bargain. We brought the food.”

“And we brought this.” Liam grinned and gave a little bow as he presented himself to us. “And this.” He then pointed at Zak, who smiled and showed his straight white teeth. I guess that was the benefit of having a dentist as your mum.

“We did bring something else.” Zak unfolded his arms and held out his hand to Liam, who hooked a black rucksack over it. Zak brought it to the front of him and with his eyes on me the whole time, unzipped it and reached inside before producing a couple of bottles of vodka from it. It was like he’d lifted a rabbit out of a hat as we all gasped. “Keep your money, love.”

“Yes,” Emma screamed. “I think I fucking love you.”

The bottles were snatched from Zak’s hands, and Emma darted off into the kitchen, with Liv following close behind. Ana sighed, as if bored, and got up from the sofa. When she reached Liam, she placed a hand on his back and pushed him.

“Come on, Wilfred, let’s go help with the food and drink.”

Liam shook his head and said over his shoulder, “I told you my middle name in secret, Ana,” he growled, narrowing his eyes. “Don’t ever call me that again. And I haven’t forgiven you for telling everyone.”


Once they’d all disappeared, Zak laughed. “She’s quite bossy, isn’t she?”


He nodded. “You’ve all got your place in the gang though.”

“We do?” I frowned not sure what he was talking about.

“Ana is the bossy one, Emma is the organiser and Liv is the dramatic one.” His denim blue eyes perused me. “I’m trying to make my mind up about you, though, love.”

The way he said ‘love’ made my heart thud double-time and my stomach flip.

“You are?” I asked, almost in a whisper.

“Oh yeah, I am.” He grinned and then turned to follow everyone else into the kitchen.

I was rooted to the spot wondering what the new hot boy at school meant, and once he made his mind up, would he like it?

We were playing Never Have I Ever, and it was a toss-up between who was most drunk, Liv, Ana or Liam. It appeared my friends were a lot wilder than I realised. I had no idea that Liam had even had sex, never mind in a field. I’d barely seen him with a girl. I knew that Ana and Liv weren’t virgins, but Liam shocked me. As for Zak, he sat there staring around at the rest of us with a huge shit eating grin, like he was a kid memorising every moment, taking pictures with his mind to flick through later. He listened to everything we said, watched everything we did, and joined in with every note of our laughter.

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