Page 19 of The First Chord

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“We need to speak to Ali about this. About the fact our rooms are shitter than those wankers in Warrior Creek.”

“Thosewankersare the reason why you’re even on this tour, Jimmy. They are the reason people are paying for tickets, not you, no matter what your ego thinks.”

The way he looked at me only proved I’d made the correct decision to finally leave. I would be alone, but I wouldn’t have to see those eyes look at me with disdain or pity. I’d never have to listen to his insults or watch him disrespect me time and time again.

“Thanks for your support, Amber,” he scoffed.

“Thanks for shagging other women and embarrassing me,Jimmy.”

He frowned. “Shagging. Who said I’d been shagging?”

I laughed, an actual belly laugh. He was a complete idiot. “Do you think I’m stupid, or blind, or maybe even both?”

“I had a bit of fun, so what?” He shrugged and kicked his jacket across the floor. “I never said I’d shagged her.”

“Like I said, it’s pretty obvious.”

“Whatever, Amber.” He went back to the mini bar and searched through it again, throwing a bottle of water, some peanuts, and two cans of tonic water out. “Ring room service or whatever you need to do and get them to bring some more up.”

“You want it, you get it.” Standing up, I felt my stomach roll. Leaving was the only thing left for me to do, it was the right thing to do, but I knew he wasn’t going to make it easy for me. “Don’t forget to pack your case,” I said as I made my way to the door. “We leave straight after the gig.”

Jimmy didn’t answer and as I left the room, a part of me hoped that he’d miss the flight because it would make my life a lot easier.

* * *

As we sat in the executive lounge waiting for our flight, I couldn’t help but look at Ronnie. I didn’t think he was avoiding me, but we hadn’t spoken since he’d punched Jimmy. I’d spent the day shopping and just exploring Lisbon and then didn’t watch the gig, I couldn’t be bothered. I didn’t want to have to watch Jimmy continue ruining his career. I didn’t want to have to see the embarrassed stares backstage because Jimmy had gone missing with some groupie. I just didn’t want to be there, so I waited in the room until it was time to meet in the hotel lobby for the cars to take us to the airport.

“You okay?” Amelie sat down in the chair next to me, nudging me with her elbow. “I notice you haven’t really spoken to Jimmy.”

We both turned our gazes to where he was sitting, his legs stretched out and a baseball cap down over his face. His leather jacket was zipped up and his arms were folded tightly across his chest. I could see he was shivering and wondered if he was coming down from something, that or alcohol poisoning.

“I’m leaving him,” I whispered. “When we get home.”

Amelie’s eyes went wide, and she let out a quiet gasp. “Finally.” She grabbed my hand. “I’m so happy for you, Amber.”

I laughed emptily. “I’m glad my misery makes you happy.”

“God no. I didn’t mean that. Honestly, Amber, I—”

“It’s okay, I’m joking.” Grinning, I gave her hand a squeeze. “I know exactly what you mean.”

“When are you going?Whereare you going? Do you need me to sort anything out for you?”

“I’m going to see a letting agent tomorrow,” I informed her. “I have enough money for a few months’ rent and a car.”

“Does he know?” She nodded towards Jimmy.

I shook my head. “I was going to tell him when we got home, but now…”

“He doesn’t deserve that amount of respect, honey.”

“I know, which is why I might just go while he’s out. Because let’s face it, he’s bound to go out partying somewhere as soon as we get back.”

“Can’t you throw him out?”

“It’s his flat. Well, it’s his uncle’s place, so no, not really. Besides, I don’t want to live there. I hate it.”

“If you need anything, just call me, okay?” She chewed the corner of her lip. “Shit, me and Hugo are going to Scotland for a couple of days tomorrow. I’ve got a job, shooting for some fashion company.” She moved closer to me. “Perhaps you could stay at ours until you find somewhere?”

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