Page 18 of The First Chord

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I looked down at the glass of alcohol and pushed it away. “I think I’ll come up with you. Not really in the mood now.”

He nodded. “Okay, let’s go.” Elliot placed a hand on my shoulder, and we walked out. I had a lot to think about and maybe a good night’s sleep would help.

As we rode up in the lift, Elliot and I stood in silence. Anything we said would be small talk and we were close enough that silences didn’t bother us. When we finally reached our floor, I felt tiredness right down to my bones. Emotional turmoil was not for me. When the doors slid open Elliot nudged me.

“We must be getting old. It’s not even two am and we’re heading to bed.”

I smirked. “Who’d have thought it, eh?”

We both started to laugh and walked down the corridor towards our suite of rooms. Halfway down, the lift dinged behind us. Thinking it was Joey we turned around but as the door slid open my anger spiked. Leaning back against the mirrored wall was Jimmy and in front of him, on her knees, was the women he’d been all over at the party.

“He fucking scum,” I cursed. About to take a step forward so that I could punch him again, I was stopped by Elliot’s hand on my arm.

“Leave him.”

As the lift doors were about to close, Jimmy looked directly at me and winked and then with his hand on the girl’s head, blew me a fucking kiss. Tearing myself away from Elliot, I rushed to the lift, but I was too late. The doors were closed, and he was gone.

Elliot reached me as I kicked and banged, yelling for the piece of shit to come back.

“Ron, no, don’t.” He grabbed my hands and dragged me away. “He’s not fucking worth it.”

“I’ll kill him. She doesn’t deserve this. Him. She doesn’t.”

“I know, mate, I know.”

My blood was boiling, and I felt like the veins in my head were going to burst with the pressure. My heart was beating too fast and the anger inside of me felt like a tidal wave surging and about to burst through my skin. Skin which was hot and itching because I’d let Jimmy fucking Fox get underneath it.

“She has to leave him,” I breathed out, my lungs heaving with exertion.

Elliot patted me on the back and sighed. “I know, mate, I know, and we’ll deal with it tomorrow. I promise.”

I would, there’d be no mistaking that. If it was the last thing I did, I would make sure Amber got away from the piece of shit who called himself her husband.



When I woke up and walked into the lounge, I knew in my heart of hearts that Jimmy wouldn’t be there. I hadn’t heard him leave but something in my gut told me he had. I also knew deep down where he’d gone to. Well, not exactly where, but to who.

By the time I’d showered and dressed I’d made my mind up that things were going to change. After tonight’s gig we were home for a week and I’d decided I wouldn’t be coming back. It was time I sorted out my life and got Jimmy out of it.

My suitcase was already packed because as soon as the gig was over, we were leaving for the airport. If I had my way, I’d have gone to the airport there and then, but call me stupid I still felt like I owed him an explanation. I couldn’t disappear on him. It wasn’t my style; I didn’t just walk away. If I did, I’d have disappeared long ago. I’d kept telling myself that I could handle my life with Jimmy, that he was my husband and we’d be fine if I loved him enough. But it never was okay. I was miserable being with him.

Looking out of the window, one thing did strike me, leaving Jimmy would mean leaving Ronnie and that I was sad about. Thinking about him made me smile. I wouldn’t see his handsome face other than on TV and I had to come to terms with that. We’d probably send each other text messages for a short time, but then he’d get a girlfriend and it would stop. He’d forget about me, and I’d never see him again.

That wasn’t something that I needed to think about, though. I couldn’t let it stop me from moving on with my life, away from Jimmy. Turning on some music, I sat down and took my phone out, opening up notes. The starting point would be a list of what I needed to sort out, the first being somewhere to live. Then a job, Jimmy had never wanted me to work, but now I needed to because as soon as we got back to the UK I’d be on my own. Thankfully, I had some savings from my mum’s life assurance. Something must have told me things weren’t totally right with Jimmy because I never told him about the money. It wasn’t a massive amount, a few thousand, but enough for a couple month’s rent and a cheap little car.

Ten minutes in on my list, the door opened, and Jimmy stumbled in carrying his jacket. He was wearing the same clothes as the night before, reeked of booze and the perfume of the night before, and had a huge love bite on his neck. If what he’d done before hadn’t been the last straw, then the state of him at that moment was. That and the fact that he was smiling at me, not one ounce of remorse on his expression.

“Good night?” I asked, going back to my list.

“Yeah. Had worse.” He yawned and stretched his arms out, dropping his jacket to the floor.

Suppressing the need to nag at him to pick it up, I double checked I’d got everything and slipped my phone into the pocket of my denim jacket. Jimmy went straight to the mini bar and searched through it.

“Where’s all the booze gone?”

“You drank it all last night. At least I’m assuming you did because all the bottles were on the floor when I got up this morning.”

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