Page 53 of The Banker's Bride

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Colton smirked, proudly adjusting his son in his arms. “If I try to take Ella home right now, I’ll have a fight on my hands.”

“Oh, you….” Ella gave him a playful swat on the arm.

“We’ll see you in a minute.” Colton and Ella carried the children down the aisle.

“Shall we?” Dallas offered her his arm.

Megan took it. “Next week, I’ll bring a covered dish.”

“No need.” Dallas smiled. “I’ll have Jacques make something—”

“No, I mean I’d like to make it.”

Both Dallas and Charles laughed, looking at each other over her head. “Good luck trying to get into Jacques’s kitchen!”

Megan chuckled. “Don’t worry. I have me ways.”

“I’m sure you do.” Dallas loved the feistiness and determination of his new wife. They spent the rest of the afternoon at the church, mingling with the other parishioners. Charles seemed to be enjoying himself, as well. At that moment, Dallas realized that the people of the church treated everyone as equals. It didn’t matter how much money anyone had; a person's character and fellowship was the most important thing. How people get along with others, how they treated one another was what seemed to matter.

Dallas had a wonderful time talking to the men with Charles and dancing with Megan. When he noticed Megan nodding off while sitting in a chair, he decided it was time to go.

“Charles, I’m going to take Megan home,” Dallas told him after finishing a dance. “But if you’re not ready, I'll send Bill back for you.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m ready.” He looked over at Megan and his eyebrows pulled together in concern. “Are you well?”

Megan nodded as a yawn escaped her lips, exaggerating the point. “I’m fine. Just tired.” Then she smiled. “But ye can stay here, if ye like. I don’t want to spoil the fun for anyone.”

“No, let’s go. I’ll meet you both outside.” Charles walked over to Preacher Henley and shook his hand.

“Shall we?” Dallas held out his arm. Megan took it and let him help her into her coat. “Did you have a good time?”

“The best.” Megan smiled up at him. A cold wind blew through his coat as he led her outside. “I’m sorry we had to leave early.”

Dallas smiled, his heart fluttering just looking into her eyes. “Don't be. I was ready.” Bill saw them leaving, said his goodbyes, and then hurried over to the carriage and opened the door. Dallas put down the step and helped Megan inside. Then he slid in beside her, and Charles was right behind them.

When everyone was seated, Bill closed the door and looked in. “Where to, Mr. King?”

“Home.” Dallas grinned, glancing over at Megan, who was looking out the window. “Did you invite everyone you wanted to for Thanksgiving?”

Megan nodded. “Yes, except for the sheriff.”

Dallas noticed that Sheriff Clark hadn’t attended today, either. He must have his hands full with the gang in town. “I’ll go into town and check on him.”

Megan placed her hand on his arm and shook her head. “No, don’t go into town today. Stay home. I don't want anything to happen to ye.”

Dallas patted her hand, enjoying that she was looking out for him. “No, someone needs to check on the sheriff. If he’s in town, I don’t want him to be there alone.”

“I’ll go with you,” Charles added, glancing over at Megan. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep him safe.”

She let out a deep breath. “Just be careful… both of you.”

Dallas smiled, grateful that Megan was concerned. “But this time, I want you to stay at home and rest.” He didn’t want a repeat performance of the last time she came to town unexpectedly. When he saw her at the mercy of that madman, Dallas nearly had a heart attack.

Megan giggled. “Don’t worry. I think the only thing I’m going to do is to take a nap. I have no idea why I’m so tired.”

Dallas patted her hand. “You get all the rest you need. I’ll arrange dinner with Jacques.”

“No, I'll arrange it with him when we get home. It’s the least I can do.” Megan yawned. “I feel bad, not doing much today.”

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