Page 39 of The Banker's Bride

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“Nonsense! I can take care of it meself.” Megan looked through the shelves and found a white tablecloth, and some very pretty doilies. In a way, Megan felt as if she was rummaging through someone else’s things, but she reminded herself that she was now the lady of the house and vowed to make more doilies later.

“Here.” Mrs. Daly reached for the stack that Megan had assembled. “I’ll take that.”

“I’ll help.” Megan divided the stack in half and they each took one. “Come along. We have much to do.” Megan headed down the stairs as Mrs. Daly followed. “Let’s set these over here fer now.” Megan set her stack down on an end table, out of theway. She looked around the huge room, placing her hands on her hips. “Well, first thing’s first. We’ll clean this room first then we’ll have the men move the furniture back in. Then we can divide and conqueror the other rooms in the house.”

Mrs. Daly scrunched up her nose. “Mrs. King, I kin take care of this. Why don’ ye rest. After all, ye had a big night last night.”

“Nonsense! If we work together, we’ll have this place spotless in no time.”

Mrs. Daly took her in, doubt filling her eyes. “Well, if ye insist.”

A broad smile spread across Megan’s lips. “I do.”

Together, they dusted all the furniture and scrubbed the vast wooden floor, careful not to leave water standing so as not to ruin it. When they were finished, Mrs. Daly went to get some men, and Megan told them to bring the furniture back in and directed them where to set it. When everything was in place, she and Mrs. Daly polished the tables and set the doilies out as Megan instructed. Then they moved on to the next room, working together until the whole house was shining and clean.

“Whew! I’m exhausted!” Mrs. Daly announced at the end of the day. “That was fun. Thank ye fer yer help.”

Megan smiled, thankful to be of use. “No, thank ye fer yer help. I think we make a good team.”

Mrs. Daly looked around the room. “I think this is the best this place has ever looked, thanks to ye.” She smiled at Megan. “I always knew that something was missing. But what it needed all along was a woman’s touch.”

Megan laughed, feeling accomplished as she looked around the house. “Well, I’d better get ready before Mr. King arrives. He won’t like to see me in these work clothes, I’m sure.”

Mrs. Daly nodded. “I’ll draw ye a hot bath. I’m sure ye could use a good soak.”

“Thank ye, but I’ll do it. Ye’ve done enough fer one day.”

“Nonsense!” Mrs. Daly replied, smiling as she took charge. “And don’ ye be frettin’ about me.” She lowered her voice conspiratorially. “All I’ll be doin’ is tellin’ the men to carry the buckets to fill the tub once they’re heated.” She gave her hand a gentle pat. “Now, why don’ ye go upstairs and rest while yer waitin’. I’ll let ye know when it’s ready.”

“Actually, I’m getting’ a wee bit hungry and I’m sure ye are, too. Let’s have a bite to eat while the water’s heatin’.”

A sly smile spread across Mrs. Daly’s lips. “Well, I could be persuaded.”

“What can I get for you ladies?” Jacques asked, holding a large butcher knife up when they walked in, bringing them to a halt.

Megan thought for a moment, remembering the food from the party. “Do ye have anything left over from last night? Mrs. Daly and I haven’t had any lunch.”

He held up his hands. “Say no more,mademoiselle.” He gently turned her around and nudged them both out of the kitchen. “Why don’t you rest in the dining room, and I’ll bring you something.”

“I’ll stay and help—” Mrs. Daly interjected.

“No, please,” Megan said. “Ye worked hard with me today. Come sit with me.”

Jacques smiled. “Yes, yes. Now, get out of my kitchen!”

Megan narrowed her eyes and stared at him, folding her arms across her chest.

“Please,” he added.

“Come along, Mrs. Daly,” Megan instructed, “let’s go to the dining room.”

“I’ll get us some lemonade—”

“No, no, no!” Jacques’s patience was wearing thin. “I’ll get it.”

Megan bit her lower lip to keep from smiling. But when they were in the dining room, they both burst out laughing.

“Come. Join me.” Megan sat at the table and Mrs. Daly took the seat across from her.

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