Page 14 of The Banker's Bride

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Megan smiled sheepishly as she let her new husband lead her to a table. The scent of the delicious food wafted toward her,and she was so hungry that her stomach lurched. Not bothering with a fork, she picked up a chicken leg and took a huge bite, closing her eyes in ecstasy. Before long, she had cleaned it down to the bone and set it aside.

When she was finished, Megan glanced over at Dallas, who was watching her. But instead of saying anything to her about her manners, he pointed his fork at the ham on her plate. “You really must try it. It’s honey cured.”

This time, Megan picked up her knife and fork, cut into the ham, and took a bite. The juices immediately filled her mouth, causing her to moan in delight. She had never tasted anything so delicious before in her life.

Dallas smiled proudly, pleased with her reaction. “What did I tell you? Paul makes the best ham in the county, even better than my chef.”

Megan almost choked. “You have a chef?”

“You meanwehave a chef,” he corrected. “And a housekeeper. Mrs. Daly is an absolute delight. You’ll love her. She’s from Ireland, too… well… she and her husband.”

For a moment, Megan wondered again why this exquisite man hadn’t married a local girl instead of sending for her, but she quickly pushed the thought aside, thanking the Lord for her good fortune.

She took another bite, moaning in delight. “Dallas, I’m not sure if I’ll ever get used to such luxuries.”

He leaned in and whispered, “As my wife, you’d better get used to it. I plan to spoil you… along with our children.”

Megan blushed. Of course he would want children… and soon, too, she guessed. “How many children would ye like?”

Dallas smiled, nuzzling her close. “As many as you can give me, or none at all. I’ll be happy with whatever the good Lord has in store for us. But for now, I want to enjoy it being just us. As I said, I want to spoil you.”

“Ye already have.” Megan breathed a sigh of relief, thankful that he wasn’t going to press her to have children right away. They would just have to take things naturally, one day at a time.

Later that night, Megan felt like a princess as Dallas helped her into the carriage and they waved their goodbyes. Dallas took her hand and held it on his lap. “Bill?” he called up to the driver. “To the ranch.” Then he pulled Megan close and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll have my chef make us something to eat when we get home, if you like.”

Megan leaned back and placed her hand on her flat stomach. “Oh, I couldn’t eat another bite. If ye don’t mind, I’d rather just go home and freshen up.” Megan leaned her head on his shoulder, enjoying watching the scenery pass by, blue in the moonlight. She was nearly asleep when Dallas spoke.

“I’ll take you shopping tomorrow.” Dallas smiled against her hair.

“Shopping?” She glanced up as a thrill ran through her.

Dallas nodded. “Of course! You’ll need a full wardrobe. The latest fashions.”

Although she appreciated the gesture, it was just a bit too much. After all, he had already spent a king’s ransom on her trip and their wedding. “I can purchase some fabric and make some clothes. You’ve already spent too much—”

“Nonsense!” He gently squeezed her hand. “Kenzie Baker has designer plates and makes custom orders. Tomorrow, we can buy a few things ready-made, and then we can draw up some designs for a whole new wardrobe for you. She’s actually quite good.”

Megan nodded. Although she had no wardrobe at all, it felt odd for a man she’d just met to lavish such treasures on her. But he was her husband, after all. He had said that she had better get used to it, but she didn’t know if she ever could.

“I’ll also take you into Laramie for jewelry,” Dallas rambled on. “You’ll need necklaces, earrings”—he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it—“and anything else that a lady needs.”

“Ye don’t have to spend such money or lavish such treasures on me.” When she saw his dejected look, she added, “Nevertheless, thank ye for yer kindness, but just spending time with ye is enough. I really am looking forward to getting' to know ye better.”

“I am, too.” He kissed the back of her hand once more, never taking his eyes from hers. The gesture was so simple yet so intimate that she blushed. She really could get used to being married to this wonderful man.

Soon, they pulled in front of a two-story wooden house with a wraparound front porch set in the midst of colorful trees. In the moonlight, she could see that it was made of beautiful logs and a garden adorned the front. She had never seen anything so beautiful before in her life. It looked like a mansion to Megan. “It’s lovely.”

Dallas gently squeezed her hand, pleased with her reaction. She noticed his muscles flex under his suit coat, and his eyes were the most vibrant blue she had ever seen. He didn’t appear to be stuck up about his striking good looks… and he was gorgeous. He gave her a smile as he turned to her. “Are you ready?”

Megan gave him a nervous smile, not quite sure what would be expected of her. Of course, she had never been intimate with a man before. “Be gentle with me.”

“Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.” He bent down and pulled her into his arms. His lips descended upon hers, gently at first, and then filled with passion. Megan’s heart pounded wildly, imagining what was in store for them. But at the moment, the only thing she could think of was this wonderfulman. A moment later, he pulled back and stroked a stray lock of hair away from her face. “I’ll come around to help you down.”

Overcome with emotion, she nodded and smiled, unable to speak.

Dallas slipped out of the carriage and then opened the door on the other side. He placed his hands on her waist to help her down and then pulled her in for another kiss, leaving her breathless.

The driver stood a discreet distance away, pretending not to notice.

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