Page 25 of Make Me Feel Again

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“Try for me, Ry, just try.”Cash’s voice eases the ache.

The tears continue to fall as I turn to the side, and he stands next to me.

“Cash, don’t you see I’m trying? I’m trying everything I can to fight when all I feel like doing is flying,” I cry out.

“Then fly, Rylee. I’ll fight for the both of us.” He pauses, his eyes flicking between mine. “But just remember, if you fall, I’ll catch you. I always save you.” Everything around me stops. My heart skips a beat, and my stomach does flips.

“Let me take the pain from you,” he whispers. “You take mine, now let me take yours.” My face scrunches as a sob leaves my mouth. He’s right, he takes my pain away. Cash places a hand around me as I lean into him, letting him hold me, hold my pain.

“Let him swim free, Ry,” he whispers into my hair. My shoulders shake as I weep into his chest. I lean away and open the box. Cash takes it out of my hand, and I take a deep breath.

“I’ll go back inside if—”

“No.” I swing my head to meet his gaze. “Don’t leave me, please.” He nods and places his hand on my shoulder.

I stretch my trembling hands out in front of me, staring at the sunset as it disappears into the water. I tilt the box and watch Jace fall into the sea, the gentle breeze scattering him across the water.

“Swim free, Jace,” I cry as I empty the last of him into the water. Cash’s hand slides down my opposite arm and squeezes tight.

“Swim free, my boy,” he chokes out. I lay my head on Cash’s shoulder, and his head leans on mine as we watch Jace dissipate.

“Thank you for being here, Cash.”

“Thank you for allowing me, Rylee.”

Chapter twenty-three


Itwasahardfew days being in that beach house, unable to hold Rylee while watching the pain she battled with each day we were there. I could have taken it away, and I wish she would’ve let me, but I know deep down she needed that time. She needed to say her goodbyes to Jace. The next day, I thought she would be withdrawn, but she seemed a little lighter, and looked almost at peace.

I know James still plagues her mind. The police have nothing, and how they or my private investigator haven’t found anything is beyond me. I haven’t told Ry about the private investigator. If he finds anything worth mentioning, I will tell her. Where the fuck is he hiding, is he plotting, has he given up and is now forever on the run? I don’t think I will settle until he is caught. Knowing what he did to my son, to my family. It leaves an even bigger hole inside my chest. It’s like a scab that keeps reopening. The soreness and itch are there every day. It never heals. As long as James is out there, that’s what it’s like for each of us.

We’ve been back for a week, and she has gone back to the texts and wanting me to stay away. Even though I got to see her, and the light was back in my life for a short time, it still feels like I’ve been without her for so long. It was so hard to not grab her at the beach house and demand she was mine. I’ve never had patience the way I do with Rylee, and it’s killing me, and everyone around me. I’m constantly snapping at people; I lose my shit at least twice a day at work. I don’t think people can stand to be around me. Well, good, I don’t want any of them around me, only her.

I pour myself a second glass of whiskey. I didn’t drink once in Mexico, but the minute I dropped her home and had to drive off and leave her, I walked into my house and poured myself a glass. I have continued pouring them since. My work is arranging the charity ball they do every year. We select a different charity every year, and the office does activities throughout the year to raise money for them. Jace was heavily involved with this and did all the arranging of everything. He dealt with the booking of the hall, the catering. I’m not good at things like that due to my lack of patience. Luckily, Boh wanted to take over for Jace, and I happily obliged. Bridge doesn’t even work for the company, but she wanted to help. Arranging the auction is the only thing keeping me distracted.

People in the company and attending companies will donate holiday homes for a week, weekends away to luxury spas, and more. We’ve had great donations over the years and have raised hundreds of thousands. So far, we have twenty-eight donations, one being a week in a cabin in Whitefish in Montana, which is one of my most favorite places to go. I’m looking forward to the auction to see how much we will raise. Jace would be proud. It was one of his favorite times of the year. He always delivered the checks to the charity, and I know how happy it made him to see how excited they were. The auction is this Friday and I still have a lot to do, and I’m hoping it will take my mind off Rylee.

“Cash,” Bridge shouts through the house. Does she not knock? I stay in the kitchen as her clicking heels gets closer.

“Oh, there you are.” She beams at me and strides up to me to place a kiss on my forehead.

“Bridge,” I greet her.

Her brows furrow. “You drinking again?” She glances at my glass.

“No, it’s apple juice,” I deadpan.

“Don’t get sassy with me, Cash. I’m worried about you.” Her voice softens. Bridget is a special woman, she worries about everyone and always puts other people’s feelings before her own.

I sigh. “Bridge, I’m fine, it’s just been a long week with the ball and stuff.” I lie. It hasn’t, it’s been a long week because I haven’t seen Rylee.

“I was just talking about the ball,” she says, helping herself to a bottle of water out of the fridge.

“With Boh?” I take another sip of my drink.

“No, Rylee.” That one name has me sitting up a little straighter, forgetting all about my drink. I try not to make it obvious how intrigued I am. Rylee used to come to the balls with Jace, but I assumed she wouldn’t come this year.

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