Page 16 of Make Me Feel Again

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I squint at her. “We have literally just sat down.”

“And you have a lot to tell me. I had to go all last night not being able to find out what is up. Do you know how hard that was for me?” she says, not smiling. If something is up with me and I don’t tell this girl straight away, it’s normally hell to pay.

“Ton,” I groan. I don’t even know where to start.

“Okay, hold that thought.” She puts her finger up to me and digs through her bag, scanning the room like she’s about to pull a gun out of her bag and point it at someone. Why does she look so suspici—

“What are you doing,” I hiss. Now it’s me scanning the room. Toni pulls a small flask from her bag and drops some liquid into our coffees before placing it back and putting it under the table. She picks up the spoon and stirs our coffees while I just stare at her, mouth agape. Picking up her coffee, she takes a sip, then her eyes roll back as her shoulders move up and down a few times.

“Perfection,” she says. “Okay, shoot.”

I sometimes wonder where I found this girl.

“What the fuck was that you just put in my coffee?” I eye her.

“Taste it and find out.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Sick bitch,” I mumble before taking a sip of my coffee. I choke when the alcohol burns my windpipe as I swallow.

“What the fuck is that?” I wheeze.

“Rum. Now, get that tongue moving, miss.” She wags her finger at me. I freeze with the cup midair, trying to work out why she is acting like drinking rum in coffee is an every morning occurrence for her. Hell, it probably is, I wouldn’t put anything past this girl.

“Toni. Why are you spiking our drinks with rum?”

Holding the coffee in one hand, she waves the other in the air. “Call it a . . . sixth sense. It’s needed.” So much for my coffee to wake me up.

I sigh. “I have no idea where to start.”

“How about you start at what the fuck is going on with you and Daddy, huh?” I stare at her wide-eyed. How did she know?

One side of her lip tilts. “I’m not stupid, Rylee, and quite frankly, Daddy isn’t great at hiding how crazy obsessed he is with you.”

Emotion clogs my throat, and a sob escapes at the relief I feel knowing I can finally talk to someone about this and everything else that has happened in the last twenty-four hours.

“Oh, my baby.” Toni drags her and her chair next to me and pulls my head into her chest while I cry.

“It’s such a mess, Ton. Everything is such a mess.” She holds me for a little while longer before leaning back for me to lift my head.

“Listen, baby girl. I hate seeing you cry, you know I always want to make it better for you, but I can’t do that if you don’t tell me what’s going on in that pretty little brain of yours.” She wipes away my tears with her thumb and then passes me the coffee.

“See, sixth sense. I know these things.” She smirks and winks. Toni is the only one who could make me laugh while crying. I sigh, knowing I need to get this off my chest.

“I have feelings for Cash, like deep feelings.”

“Well . . . okay, I think we need to forget the coffee and head back to your place for this conversation.” I nod and grab my bag. She downs her coffee as we stand.

“Wait, hold up.” She jogs back to the table, downing my coffee, then she shivers as she walks back. She smiles as she approaches me.

“It’s needed.”

Chapter sixteen


TonandIcurlup on the sofa. I wanted to be close to Jace, so I got some photo albums out of us over the years. Many people don’t collect photos in albums anymore, but I do. I love looking through them; it means more than flicking through albums on your phone.

“He was so beautiful,” Toni says, stroking a finger down one of the pictures.

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