Page 15 of Make Me Feel Again

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“You. You’re the light in my darkness.” He walks out the door, closing it behind him and leaving me stunned and feeling more confused than I ever have. But what I do know is, all the pain I felt half an hour ago is no longer there. He made it stop.

Chapter fifteen


IthinkIsawevery hour on the clock last night. My head was swarming with thoughts of Cash. Everything that should bother me, isn’t anymore, it’s just thoughts of him and everything he said. How it all made sense and then “You. You’re the light in my darkness.” That has changed everything.

It wasn’t until I was in bed that it hit me: I was in the bath naked, and Cash washed me. No one has ever done that for me. I cried in bed, but not because I was sad, but because of how overwhelming the whole situation was: his words, his touch, his gentleness. I have missed that feeling.

My nightstand clock reads 5:52 a.m. I sigh heavily, rubbing my eyes. I’m not meeting Toni until eleven, and there’s no way I will be able to sleep now, so I may as well start the caffeine intake. I drag myself to the end of bed and sit there, pushing the bags under my eyes while staring at myself in the mirror. They’re probably worse because of all the crying yesterday. I run my fingers through my silky hair, and the memories of Cash massaging my scalp flash through my mind. My whole body erupts in goose bumps. I let out another sigh before pushing myself up off the bed. Coffee will be my only friend today.

As I turn the corner into the kitchen, I gasp at Cash sitting at the island, with the lights on dim. My breath hitches when I realize he’s in plain navy lounge pants and no top. The dim light above him makes him stand out more than he normally does. The light bounces of his muscular arms leaning on the countertop, his back muscles are bulging. His hair slightly curled at the ends, stick up like he has run his fingers through it multiple times.

Then his head moves, and he stares at me. He always reminded me of someone, and I could never pinpoint who until now—a sexier version of Henry Cavill, if that’s even possible. He eyes me up and down, taking me in. It’s like his gaze is burning into my skin as it runs up my body. I don’t even move, I just stand there. When our gazes meet, then he looks away. It feels like he just rejected me.Ouch.

“You’re up early,” he mumbles.

I tiptoe into the kitchen, wanting to get this coffee and head back to my room.

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep,” I say as I pull a cup from the cupboard. He doesn’t say anything, so I follow up with “You?” I glance up at him as I pour the coffee.

He nods, finishing the coffee in his cup. “Same.” He places the cup down and pushes his chair back. Why does he have to leave just because I’m here? He’s so hot and cold all the time; I never know what he’s thinking. The Cash from last night is long gone, and back is the moody, unpredictable Cash.

He starts to walk out of the kitchen and then turns back. “I have some work to do in the office. I’m going to work from home.”

I nod while taking a sip of my coffee. “Okay, well, I’m going out at ten thirty.”

His jaw is clenched as he asks, “Where?”

“I’m meeting Toni for coffee.” If he wants to be hot and cold, then so can I.

“Where?” he grits out again, sounding like he’s losing his patience with me. My eyes meet his in a sharp swing.

“Pearls,” I grit out. He stares at me but then spins on his heels and walks out of the kitchen.

Ahhh, he’s such a fucking asshole sometimes.

Cash is nowhere to be found once I’m ready. I thought I would do the decent thing and say bye before I left. I’m surprised he didn’t lock me in the room. My phone goes off to let me know my ride is here. Once I’m in the Uber, I drop Toni a message to let her know I’m on my way. I have this niggly feeling in my stomach, and it gets more intense the farther we drive away from the house. I was hoping getting out of the house would make me feel better, but so far, I feel sick.

I stare out the window, watching the world go by. Baltimore is a stunning city. The sun beams down on the tall buildings, bouncing off the glass, creating starbursts. The Uber pulls up at Pearls, only a short five-minute drive from Cash’s house. Cash wanted to be close to the office, so he chose smack dab in the middle of all this beauty.

I smile at the driver and say, “Thank you” as I step out of the car and shut the door, but all I want to do is get back in. I stand on the edge of the sidewalk watching people rush past, my heart racing.

Come on, Rylee get a grip.I speed walk to the door.


I jump out of my skin, spinning on my heels. My heart beats so hard, I can hear it. “God, Toni. Don’t do that.”

Her brows draw together. “Are you okay, Ry?”

I sigh. Lack of sleep and being out on my own since James, is not a good mix.

“Yeah, sorry. I just, I don’t know.” I sigh out.

“Hey, let’s get inside and get a coffee.” She brings her arm around my shoulder, ushering me into Pearls, and her comfort eases me.

“So . . .” Toni eyes me over the rim of her coffee cup as she takes a sip.

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