Page 55 of Stolen By Dragons

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The incident cast a somber mood over the group, a stark reminder of the potential dangers we faced, even from our own newly hatched companions. The excited chatter that had filled the hall earlier was now replaced by hushed whispers and worried glances.

I found myself wandering to a quiet corner of the hall, my dragon still nestled in my arms. I sat down on the cool stone floor, settling the little creature in my lap. It looked up at me with those mesmerizing purple eyes, and I felt a wave of protectiveness wash over me.

"What a day it's been, huh?" I said softly, running my fingers along its sleek scales. The dragon chirped softly in response, as if agreeing with me. "I wonder what you can do? What makes you special?”

The dragon tilted its head, considering my words. But unlike the other dragons, who had been displaying their elemental abilities throughout the day, mine remained quiet and still. No glow, no sparks, no elemental display of any kind. Just those intelligent eyes, watching me with what seemed like curiosity.

"It's okay," I whispered, trying to hide my disappointment. "Maybe you're just shy. You'll show us what you can do when you're ready." I tried to inject confidence into my voice, but inside, doubts were gnawing at me. What if my dragon didn'thave any powers? What if I had somehow done something wrong during the awakening?

Chris must have noticed my concern because he made his way over to me, his earth dragon perched on his shoulder like some exotic parrot. He sat down beside me, his warm presence comforting in a way I hadn't realized I needed right now.

"How are you holding up?" he asked, his eyes full of concern. The gentleness in his voice made my throat tighten with emotion.

I managed a small smile, though it felt forced. "I'm okay." I looked down at my dragon, who was now curled up contentedly in my lap. "I think we're going to be alright. Even if my little one hasn't shown any powers yet."

Chris nodded, reaching out to gently stroke my dragon's head. The creature leaned into his touch, letting out a soft trill of contentment. "Don't worry too much about that. They're all different, just like us. I'm sure your dragon's abilities will manifest when the time is right."

"You think so?" I asked, unable to keep the hint of worry from my voice. "What if... what if I did something wrong? What if it doesn't have any powers because of me?"

"Hey, none of that," Chris said firmly, his hand moving from the dragon to squeeze my shoulder gently. "Look around. Every dragon here is unique. Yours might not be breathing fire or manipulating earth, but that doesn't mean it's any less special. And it definitely doesn't mean you did anything wrong."

His words were comforting, and as I looked around at the other newly bonded pairs, I realized he was right. Each dragon was as individual as its human counterpart. Some were loud and boisterous, others quiet and observant. They came in a rainbow of colors and a variety of shapes. Who was to say what was "normal" for these magical creatures?

"Thanks, Chris," I said, feeling some of my anxiety ease. "You always know just what to say."

He grinned, bumping his shoulder against mine playfully. "That's what I'm here for. Well, that and my rugged good looks, of course."

I laughed, the sound echoing in the vast hall. It felt good to laugh, to let go of some of the tension that had been building since the awakening. My dragon stirred at the noise, looking up at me with those mesmerizing purple eyes. Powers or no powers, this little creature was mine to care for now. And I was determined to do my best by it, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As we sat there, surrounded by the soft chirps and occasional elemental bursts from the other dragons, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. The little creature in my arms felt like a missing piece I hadn’t even known was gone.



The weight of duty pressed heavily upon my shoulders as I strode through the ornate halls of the Dragon Keep. My footsteps echoed off the ancient stone, each step a reminder of the centuries of tradition and responsibility I carried as a dragon prince. It was a title the earthlings knew nothing about - a deliberate omission the council had insisted upon. "They don't need to know," my mother had said. "It would only complicate matters."

Now, as I approached the Dragon Court, I couldn't help but wonder if there was another reason they’d wanted me to keep it hidden. The events in the Great Hall had changed everything, and I found myself questioning much of what I'd always taken for granted.

The massive doors to the court swung open at my approach, revealing not just my parents, but the entire Dracarian Council. My father, King Alaric, and my mother, Queen Isolde, sat at the head of the long table, their regal bearing a stark contrast to the tension evident in the room. Around them sat the other councilmembers, each representing a different aspect of Dracarian society - military, magic, diplomacy, and more.

"Eirian," my father's deep voice rumbled through the chamber. "We've been awaiting your report. What news from the Great Hall?”

I took a deep breath, steeling myself for their reactions. "The awakening... it didn't go as planned," I began, my voice steady despite the turmoil in my mind. "The ancient dragons didn't awaken. Instead, the statues crumbled, and from them... baby dragons were born. They appear bound to the earthlings.”

We’d not told them of that potential possibility our Seer had shared with us. It was a weight we hadn’t wanted to add to the earthlings along with everything else.

The silence that followed was deafening. Shock registered on every face around the table. My mother's face paled, while my father's brow furrowed deeply.

For a moment, all was quiet, then the council chamber erupted into chaos.

"Baby dragons?" Lord Caelum, our military commander, bellowed. "This is preposterous! How are we supposed to fight the Void with infants?"

Lady Aurelia, head of our magical studies, leaned forward, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. "But think of the possibilities! Newborn dragons, bonded from birth to these earth-dwellers. The magical potential is unprecedented!"

"Potential?" scoffed Lord Thorn, our chief diplomat. "We don't have time for potential. The Void is at our doorstep, and you want us to pin our hopes on hatchlings?"

My mother's voice cut through the din. "This is a disaster. The prophecy spoke of awakening, not... not this farce!"

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