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She nods. “Yeah. I mean, you’ve lived here your whole life, right?”

I grunt, my thumb brushing over the back of her hand. “Yeah. But I like it here. Simple. Quiet. Suits me.”

Billie smiles at that, turning back to the window. “I can see that. It suits you.”

We drive for a while in comfortable silence, the kind of quiet where nothing needs to be said. Just being here with her, in this moment, feels like enough.

Eventually, I pull over at one of my favorite spots—a quiet overlook with a view of the valley below. The trees are on fire with fall colors, and the air smells like pine and fresh leaves.

I turn off the engine, but neither of us moves to get out of the truck. Instead, I turn to Billie, watching the way the light filters through her hair, how her skin glows in the golden hour sunlight.

“Why’d you ask if I get tired of this place?” I ask, my voice low.

She shrugs, her fingers tracing patterns on the seat. “Just curious. You ever think about leaving?”

I shake my head, my hand moving to rest on her thigh. “Not anymore.”

Her eyes flick up to mine, and for a moment, we just sit there, staring at each other. Then she leans over, closing the distancebetween us, and presses her lips to mine. It’s slow, tender, but there’s something more behind it. Something deeper.

When she pulls back, her eyes are soft. “Good. ‘Cause I like having you around.”

I smirk, my hand squeezing her thigh. “Not going anywhere, Billie. I told you that.”

She laughs softly, leaning her head on my shoulder. We stay like that for a while, just watching the world go by, feeling the warmth of each other’s presence. It’s simple, perfect. Just like her.

Chapter 18


The air’s crisp, the trees are a riot of red and gold, and there’s an electric feeling in the air that makes everything seem a little more special. This is the biggest event of the season, and my bakery booth is right in the thick of it.

I’m setting up trays of pumpkin spice cupcakes, apple cinnamon muffins, and caramel pecan cookies when I hear Rayne’s deep voice behind me.

“Need a hand?”

I turn around, and there he is, looking as rugged and delicious as ever. His flannel shirt’s unbuttoned at the collar, giving me a glimpse of his broad chest, and he’s wearing that damn cowboy hat. The man looks like he stepped right out of a fall fantasy.

“Sure,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady as I hand him a box of cupcakes. “You know the drill by now.”

Rayne takes the box, his fingers brushing against mine, sending that familiar shiver down my spine. “Gotta make myself useful somehow.”

I roll my eyes, but there’s a smile tugging at my lips. “You’vebeen useful enough.”

He shoots me a look, one of those dark, smoldering looks that sends heat straight to my core. “Not yet, I haven’t.”

My heart skips a beat, and I’m about to come up with some sassy reply when Shay appears beside me, grinning like the cat who got the cream.

“Well, look who’s all cozy now,” she teases, nudging me with her elbow. “You two finally made it official?”

I glare at her, but there’s no point in denying it. Rayne and I are together, and we’re not hiding it anymore. “Yeah, yeah. Keep it down, will you?”

Shay laughs, but Rayne just grunts, like he couldn’t care less what anyone thinks. He sets the box down on the table, his arm brushing against mine as he leans in close. “You ready for the crowd?”

I glance at the growing line of people gathering around the booth. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

Rayne stays by my side the whole time, helping me with the booth, handing out baked goods, and generally just being his quiet, steady self. Every now and then, I catch him looking at me, his dark eyes full of something that makes my pulse race.


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