Page 2 of Bigfoot's Wife

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Deborah nods in agreement. “These morning meetups have quickly become the highlight of my day.”

"Speaking of the big guy, how's mated bliss with Gruffydd going?" I ask.

Kiki's face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning. "It's only been a few days, but so far, it's beyond amazing. Let me tell you, once you go big and hairy, you’ll never go back."

I choke on my coffee, earning a concerned pat on the back from Steph. "I'm fine," I wheeze, waving her off.

"What about the rest of you?" Kiki asks. "Any sparks flying with any of our furry hosts?"

I force a laugh, hoping it doesn't sound as hollow as it feels. "I'm just here for the five-star accommodations and the complimentary breakfast buffet."

"Liar, liar, pants on fire," Steph sing-songs. "What about Olwydd? That furry studmuffin can't take his eyes off you. At the square dance, he followed you around all night like a puppy dog.”

I feel my cheeks heat, and it's not from the coffee. "Yeah, well, maybe he was just admiring my stellar do-si-do technique."

"Or maybe he was imagining you naked in his bed," Deborah says with a wink.

"Please," I scoff, waving my hand in the air and trying to ignore the way my heart rate picks up at the thought.

The truth is, Olwydd's attention at the dance was both flattering and uncomfortable as hell.

I can’t deny that I felt a strong attraction to the big guy, but the way he fawned over me, bragging about what a strong and virile male he is, how great a mate he would be to me...

That kind of thing is way too triggering. Too reminiscent of another situation. Another man who showered me with lavish gifts, generous attention and abundant promises, only to leave me humiliated, broken, and alone.

Liar. I should have known he was a liar.

I learned my lesson: when it appears too good to be true, IT IS too good to be true. Don’t believe the lies.

I shake my head, trying to dislodge the painful memories. I'm here for a vacation—that’s all. Lord knows I can use thirty days of peace and quiet, far away from the prying eyes and accusing tongues of the human world. The last thing I need is to get tangled up in another romantic disaster.

"Well, I’ll take Olwydd's attention over Taredd's scowls any day," Steph grumbles, pulling me out of my thoughts. “That Sasquatch hates me. If he’s not growling at me, he’s mean-mugging me.”

As I cast her a commiserating look, I notice a few more Sasquatch kids heading our way. Two of them break into a run when they spot me, and before I know it, I'm engulfed in a furry bear hug. Or I guess it would be a Sasquatch hug in this case.

"Whoa there, easy on the merchandise," I joke, but I can't help the warmth spreading through my chest. These kids are seriously the best.

"You're so good with them," Kiki says, smiling softly.

I shrug. "I love kids. I always have."

"You'd make a great teacher," Deborah adds.

The words hit me like a sucker punch to the solar plexus. I feel my face heat. “Yeah. I used to be one,” I say quietly, more to myself than to the others. "A third-grade teacher, actually."

"Usedto be?" Deborah cocks an inquisitive brow.

I sigh, suddenly feeling drained. "In another life."

There's a moment of awkward silence, broken only by the chatter of the Sasquatch children around us.

Steph, with her big mouth and complete lack of filter, blurts out, "Ah, before the scandal?"

And, cue the trigger.

I freeze, my coffee cup halfway to my lips. For a split second, my mind is transported back to the recent past. I’m surrounded by flashing cameras and rudely-hurled questions. My face is plastered across every tabloid and news channel as they brand me as a devious, unscrupulous home wrecker.

Steph's eyes widen as she realizes what she's said. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring that up. Sometimes my mouth moves faster than my brain, and I just?—"

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