Page 18 of Bigfoot's Wife

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"Come for me, Bambi," he pleads, his eyes boring into mine. "Let me feel your pleasure on my cock."

That does it. That sends me over the edge and I cry out, my body convulsing in pulsations of bliss. When he surges forward one last time, his cock throbbing inside me, and releases a guttural groan, his eyes closed, his body trembling, I know he's found his release.

We stay like that for a long moment, our bodies connected, both breathing heavily, before he rolls over and pulls me on top of him.

Floating on a cloud of peace and contentment, I smile and snuggle closer to him.

Damn, Kiki was right, Sasquatch sex is out of this world.



These past few days, I've been on cloud nine. Actually, scratch that—I'm so high up, I'm practically in the stratosphere. My mate finally stopped running from me.

I volunteered to assist with the upcoming school play and while I build sets with a few students, I can't help but steal glances at her across the auditorium cave as she rehearses lines with another group of young Squatches. She’s stealing glances at me to, and every time our eyes meet, an electric charge shoots through my veins.

"Uncle Olwydd, you're doing it again," Osian's voice breaks through my Bambi-induced haze.

I blink, tearing my gaze away from my beautiful human. "Doing what?"

"Staring at Miss Bambi with that goofy, lovesick look on your face," Elis chimes in, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"I do not have a goofy look," I protest, puffing out my chest.

"You totally do," Osian pipes up, grinning mischievously.

"Yeah,” Jac agrees. “It's like this." He proceeds to make the most ridiculous lovesick expression I've ever seen, complete with batting eyelashes and a dopey smile.

I swat at him playfully. "Alright, you little stand-up comedians. Less mocking your favorite uncle, more painting that backdrop."

I can’t even get mad, because they’re right. I’m unable to wipe the besotted grin off my face. These past couple days have been amazing. We've spent almost every evening together, talking, laughing, and... other activities that I don’t want to think about right now because my soulstone will start up and rock the house down.

I want to ask her to move in with me, but there's this nagging voice in the back of my head that keeps whispering, "Take it slow. Give her time. Don’t scare her off.”

"Uncle Olwydd, you're drooling again." Osian's voice cuts through my thoughts and the other kids giggle.

“I don’t drool!” I shake my head, forcing myself to focus on the task at hand. "Now, where were we with this castle design?"

As we work on sketching out a formidable fortress (complete with a moat filled with imaginary alligators, at Jac's and his best friend’s insistence), I notice we're going to need some serious carpentry work done.

"We're gonna need someone who knows their way around a bandsaw for this," I muse, scratching my chin.

Elis’s face lights up. "Oh! My dad could do it!”

"Great idea.” His dad, my brother-in-law, Amlawdd, runs the carpentry shop here in Grotto. I have no doubt he’d be thrilled to lend his expertise. “Your old man's pretty handy with wood.”

“Yeah, that's what Mom tells him every morning,” Jac states innocently.

A few of the older boys chuckle like true pubescent Squatches, and I shoot them a that’s-enough-of-that glare.

Across the room, I catch Bambi's eye again. She raises a brow, a smirk playing on her lips, and I swear my heart does a backflip.

“We’ll have Miss Bambi decide exactly what she wants and we’ll give the specs to your dad.”

"I'll sketch out some designs tonight," she calls over, her voice like music to my ears.

"Sounds perfect," I reply, probably grinning like an idiot again. "I'll run them over to Amlawdd's shop tomorrow.”

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