Page 19 of Bigfoot's Wife

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"Ugh, you guys are so gross," one of the kids groans and a few of them make exaggerated gagging noises.

“Uh!” Chuckling, I clutch my chest in mock offense. "You wound me, truly."

"Uncle Olwydd, you're so dramatic," Osian rolls his eyes. "Stop trying to steal the spotlight."

"Hey." I strike a pose. "I could play a very convincing tree."

The kids burst into laughter, and I can't help but join in.

As the rehearsal winds down and the kids start heading home, Bambi and I find ourselves alone in the auditorium. She saunters over, a sway in her hips that makes my mouth go dry.

"So, Mr. Tree," she teases, poking me in the chest. "Think you can help me clean up?"

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close. "I don't know. What's in it for me?"

She pretends to consider this, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Hmm, how about... the satisfaction of a job well done?"

I shake my head, grinning. "Not good enough."

"Okay, how about..." she stands on her tiptoes, her lips brushing against my ear as she whispers something that makes my soulstone hum so loudly, I'm pretty sure they can hear it in the next cave over.

"Deal," I manage to croak out, my voice suddenly caught in my throat.

We make quick work of tidying up the auditorium, stealing kisses and playful touches along the way. As we're about to leave, Bambi pauses, her hand on the light switch.

"You know," she says, a mischievous glint in her eye. "We have this whole big cave to ourselves..."

I don't need to be told twice.



There’s a contemplative smile on my face and a spring in my step as I make my way through the winding caverns of Grotto to the control room. I’m clutching the props design I drew up in my fist. I had to finish it early this morning since I didn’t get a chance last night. My smile widens just thinking about how Olwydd wore me out—twice in the empty auditorium and them three more times back at his cave.

The early morning quiet is broken only by the soft echoes of my footsteps. It's peaceful, which is more than I can say for the tornado of thoughts swirling in my head.

Last night, Olwydd suggested I move in with him. The offer sent a thrill through me that I'm still trying to process. It's all happening so fast, but in the best possible way. A few months ago, I was about as down and out as a person could be. Today, everything I’ve ever wanted is within my reach here in this underground city full of Sasquatches.

I enter the security area, a grin plastered on my face. Even though I last saw him only an hour ago, the anticipation of meeting Olwydd sets off flutters in my belly.

But Olwydd’s not at his desk.

"Morning, Bambi," Dafydd rasps from his desk over in the corner, barely looking up from his monitors. "Olwydd got called out for a minute. You can leave that on his desk if you want."

My smile falters for a second, but I shrug it off. "Thanks, Dafydd."

I make my way to Olwydd's desk, my eyes sweeping over the organized chaos of high-tech monitoring equipment. As I set down the designs, my elbow bumps the mouse, bringing Olwydd’s computer screen to life.

And just like that, my smile falls and my mood plummets.

It can’t be. Please tell me it’s not…

I can hardy believe what I’m seeing. Bile rises in my throat.

I want to turn and run. Instead, I reach out with a shaky hand and scroll through the file onscreen. The more I see, the more I feel like vomiting.

There, splashed across Olwydd’s computer screen, in vivid detail, is my entire sordid past. From headlines screaming "BOOM BOOM BAMBI BUSTED!" and "PASTOR'S DISGRACED MISTRESS BANISHED FROM SCHOOL GROUNDS!” My stomach lurches as I click through page after page of tabloid articles, news show transcripts, and social media posts. It's all there—every excruciating detail of my utter humiliation.

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