Page 12 of Bigfoot's Bride

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I'm proud of myself for sounding relatively calm and collected, even as my heart threatens to pound right out of my chest. With only slightly trembling fingers, I start to undress, very aware of his gaze on me.

I strip down to my bra and panties and slip into the pool, a small sigh escaping me as the deliciously warm water envelops my body like a hug. Oh yeah, that's the stuff.

I settle myself next to him, acutely aware of his large, warm presence. This close, his scent washes over me, earthy and masculine, with a hint of pine. It's intoxicating, and I find myself leaning closer, wanting to breathe him in.

I can feel his eyes on me, and when I glance up, I nearly gasp. He's staring at me like he can't quite believe I'm real.

It's strange. I'm used to men looking at me with desire, with lust, but his eyes hold something different. Pure, unadulterated adoration. It's humbling and flattering, and…

Just as I'm getting lost in those fathomless eyes, that glowing beneath the surface gets brighter and it starts to pulse and hum.

At first, I think I'm imagining it. But no, there's definitely a pulsing, red glow emanating from the water. From him. I’m pretty sure it’s coming from between his legs.

Quickly, he cups his hands over his groin area and I’m not sure, but I think I detect a blush creeping over his cheeks.

"Uh, you wanna explain that?" I quirk a brow and gesture with my head nodding toward his cupped hands.

“I suppose,” he sighs, looking adorably abashed. "That's my, uh, soulstone."

I blink. Once. Twice. "I'm sorry, your what now?"

"Soulstone," he repeats, like that clears everything right up.

I shake my head. "I'm gonna be real with you, big guy. I'm new to the whole Sasquatch scene. You're gonna have to give me more to go on than that."

He nods, taking a deep breath like he's steeling himself. "For my kind, a soulstone is a sign. A sign that we've found our match. Our other half. Our soulmate. It glows and vibrates."

“A soulmate beacon.” I nod. “Interesting.”

"Yes," he says simply. "Although it's actually quite rare for a true fated mate pairing to occur and for a soulstone to activate as mine has."

I'm trying to process all of this, but my brain feels like it's short-circuiting. Soulmates. Glowing crotches. This is some next-level romance novel stuff.

"So…this soulstone thing," I say slowly, trying to form the question in a way that won't sound offensive because when he looks at me, there's such raw vulnerability combined with reverence in his gaze that it takes my breath away. "Does that...Is that...I mean, it looks like a certain part of your male anatomy is glowing, if you know what I’m saying.”

He sits up proudly. "It is located near the head of my cock.”

Oh, right, of course it is. NowI’ma little embarrassed because, lord help me, my mind goes there. I can’t help but wonder what it might be like to have sex with him. I glance discretely at his rippling muscles that the soft layer of fur can’t hide. He’s big. Powerful. And the entire atmosphere—the warm, relaxing spring, the cavern lit only by the bioluminescence—and a dick that glows and vibrates…

"You feel it too, don’t you? This connection between us?" His voice, all low and growly, startles me out of my reverie.

I bite my lip, considering. There's no denying I feel drawn to him in a way I can't explain. Like a moth to a flame. Would I call it a connection, though?

"I...I don't know," I answer honestly. "Today has been so overwhelming, I'm not sure what I feel yet." Lie. I’m so turned on I’m clenching my thighs. I cross my arms so he doesn’t see my nipples pebbled hard enough to cut glass.

“Fair enough,” He nods, understanding shining in his eyes but I also think I see a tinge of disappointment. "I know this is a lot to take in."

He's got that right.

“Besides. I don’t even know your name.”

“Gruffydd. I’m Gruffydd.”

“So, Gruffydd,” I ask, trying to divert the conversation away from examining my own feelings, “Sasquatches believe in soulmates then?”

He chuckles, a deep rumbling sound that sends little shivers down my spine. "Absolutely. But it's incredibly rare for one of us to actually meet the person who makes our soulstone sing."

I raise an eyebrow. "Sing?"

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