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Her brows lift, and then her mouth curves into a small smile. “It’s actually pretty funny to think that a twin-switching stunt would’ve been the most scandalous thing to happen at our wedding.”

“I wish it had been.”

“Me too.”

“How’s Adam doing? And how are you and Adam?”

“Adam is … not great. But he’ll be okay. He’s talking to me, and leaning on me, rather than keeping to himself about everything, so I think we’ll be okay. Our honeymoon was postponed, of course, but we’ll go eventually.”

“I can’t imagine what it must have been like, finding out about his father, and finding out in such a dramatic way.”

“Right? Can you imagine us finding out something like that about Mom?”

I shake my head in disbelief. “Well, we do know she has the organizational skills for it.”

Sadie giggles, and I finally feel like things might be okay.

“Your wedding was really beautiful,” I say.

“It was,” she says, looking wistful. “Right up until the drug bust.”

I can’t bring myself to laugh about her wedding being ruined, but I’m glad she’s making jokes.

“I’m afraid to ask this, but how is Mom doing? I haven’t heard from her.” After I say that, I realize it’s not true. She left a message late Sunday and again on Monday, but I couldn’t bring myself to listen to what she had to say, sure that she was going to scream at me.

“She was understandably shaken up, and really confused, like we all were, but she’s doing better. Max and Miles went to talk to her, too, from what I hear.”


“She actually sounded impressed by them when I talked to her afterward. She didn’t say anything about the twin thing, though. I think she’s still processing everything.”

We finally start to eat then, though we both just pick at our salads. Kids are playing nearby, and a man walks by on the trail.

“Did they tell you about Rick?” Sadie asks, sounding like the thought just popped into her head.


“He’s being charged with aiding and abetting.”

I drop my plastic fork into the bowl. “What?”

My sister nods, looking quite satisfied with what she’s about to tell me. “I have no idea how he knew what Mr. Hargrove was involved in, but apparently, ever since he started dating Alexis, he was sucking up, trying to get involved in both of his businesses. Turns out, he was the one who introduced Mr. Hargrove to the supplier who came to the wedding. He set up their meeting.”

My jaw is practically hanging in my salad.

“They said if all goes well, his ass will be in prison.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“I know, right?”

“Wow, I really know how to pick ‘em, don’t I?”

My sister shrugs, noncommittal. “You were on the side of the good guys with Max and Miles.”



Days go by, and apparently the wheels of justice do turn slowly, because I hear from my sister that things will be tied up with Mr. Hargrove and all of the legal proceedings for quite some time. Sadie and Adam do their best to get back to a normal life, now as a married couple.

The iced coffees continue to arrive daily. I should contact the men and tell them to stop, but I assume the deliveries will cease when they leave town, or when they eventually lose interest. But they keep coming, sometimes with a little note, often without.

On a rainy morning, there’s a folded umbrella next to the coffee, propped against the house. On another day, there’s a plant in a small green pot. Three stems of bamboo, tied together with a golden band. An attached message reads, “It reminded us of the three of us. We belong together, Callie.”

I never dreamed they would be this persistent, and I remember a conversation I had with Max about how small gestures mean more to me than big ones. He was listening, and he remembered.

I see my mom a few times over the weeks that follow, and we talk about things little by little. Early on, I apologize for bringing the men to the wedding, and like my sister, she assures me that she doesn’t think I’m at fault.

“Max and Miles explained that you had no idea about the secret work they do,” she says. “And that you weren’t actually dating.”

“When Max heard I needed a date, he offered to pose as my fake boyfriend, and he asked if his brother could come along.”

“They told me that, too, and it made me realize that I’m ultimately responsible, since I’m the one who pressured you to bring a date to the wedding.”

“I know you just wanted everything to be perfect.”

She lets out a huff. “Imagine! I was trying to impress Mr. Hargrove. Thank heavens Adam wasn’t involved in any of that.”

On another visit, she says, “Your sister let slip some things I never knew about your relationship with Rick.”

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