Page 79 of Echoes

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"It's an act, Avery. Stop letting people pull the wool over your eyes."

Avery crosses her arms, looking away. "Doesn't matter anyway. I've been reassigned to the new psych whenever they start. They said Dr. Smith wasn't doing a good enough job to fix me."

"You don't need fixing, little killer," Grey murmurs, brushing some hair off her shoulder. "Your little deranged self is perfect."

A small smile appears on her face, but it's obvious she's still mourning the loss ofChristopher.It makes me want to throw up.

"There's another reason why they were harsh to him," I say smugly. Avery looks up, eyes widening in surprise.


"It's because he's my cousin, Avery. He's Alexander's nephew. So, if that doesn't convince you that people aren't who they seem, then I don't know what will."

Chapter 26


As soon as the bell goes for free time, the three of us sneak out of the boys' dorms to join the rest of gen pop. I'm surprised they didn't come look for us during class, but given Grey's occasional absence, I'm assuming they don't care enough to bother.

The crowd of patients file into the hall, waiting. Damon pushes his way through the crowd, climbing onto a table to grab their attention.

"Listen up. When I call your number, leave the hall. Do not cause any problems or I'll unleash hell on you."

Standing by Grey at the back of the hall, I watch as Damon holds up various numbers with his fingers, people leaving in intervals.

"Are you going to tell me about the numbers one day?" I mutter to Grey.

He laughs, leaning against the wall, carefree. "I hope not, little killer. But if I need to tell you, I will."

I grumble under my breath, admitting defeat. When Damon holds up the number three, I go to move, but Grey stops me, grabbing onto my arm.

"Your number has changed," he says.

"Since when?" I ask, confused.

He looks at me, flashing me a smile. "Since now. You're group one, effective immediately."

I throw my hands up in exasperation, sliding back against the wall. "I can't keep up with you guys."

"No one can," Grey laughs, leaning down to whisper in my ear. "And you should be thankful I have the stamina of a fucking God."

My cheeks flush red, and I look around at the remaining crowd of people, trying to distract myself. Immediately, I spot Theo, lurking on the other side of the room, glaring daggers at everyone around him.

"What's Theo's number?" I ask curiously.

Grey follows my line of vision. "Theo is in group five."

"Makes sense," I mumble, sarcastically.

Over the tops of heads, Theo spots me, eyes softening. I give him a smile, tilting my head toward the doors. He nods, and I look at Grey.

"So, I'm hanging with Theo now?"

Grey nods, giving me a tight smile. "Yep. Deadman and I have some things to take care of, so go have your fun—not too much though."

When Damon holds up the number five, I watch as Theo pushes through the crowd, making a beeline for us.

Grey leans down again to my ear. "You can go with him. No need to wait for your number."

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