Page 58 of Echoes

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"I should hope so," he replies. "Because if anything happens to her while in your care, I'll dig your grave myself."

My eyes snap to his angrily. "She's safer with me than with you," I spit out.

He rolls his eyes. "Is that a fact? Because it seems to me you're not doing a good enough job since she's been taken away again these past few days."

I slam my hands on the edge of the table, gasps echoing around the room as people start to get frightened. I need to rein it in. The whole point of this conversation was so I could try to be civil for Avery's sake. But fuck me, this asshole isn't making it easy.

"You know very well that Arthur Whittingham does whatever the fuck he wants," I hiss under my breath.

Ashwood leans forward, raising an eyebrow. "And yet when she returned from prison, you were nowhere to be seen. Who was there for her? Me. Not you and your little group of friends."

My jaw twitches. "That might have something to do with the fact that you took her from me."

"I didn't do shit," he fires back. "Avery is a grown-ass woman. She can make her own decisions and be with whomever she wants."

Well, at least we are back on track now.

"And here we are," I sneer. "So, get your ass up and follow me. We have a few things to discuss."

I watch with frustration as he looks away, picking up a faded brown napkin from his food tray and dabs his mouth slowly. Taking his time, he finally stands, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Lead the way then, Hawthorne. I don't have all day."

Some might say I'm a masochist.

And I guess they would be correct.

Of all the places I could have picked for this discussion, I chose here.

The fucking morgue.

Well, at least they won't have to take his body far when I gut him.

Ashwood glances lazily around the room, not at all fazed by it. He doesn't even look surprised. Then again, everyone knows that Damon and I go where ever the fuck we want in this place.

But if he's shocked that I know about the incident in the morgue with Avery, he doesn't show it.

"Are you going to speak or are we just going to stand awkwardly until the guards drag us back upstairs?" he grunts.

I lean against the mortuary cabinet, slapping my hand against the metal door. "I just thought I'd bring you somewhere that you are familiar with. You know, to help make you comfortable."

He rolls his eyes, leaning against the pure stainless steel instrument cabinet on the other side of the room. "Is there an actual point to this rendezvous? You said you wanted to chat about Avery."

Frustration threatens to send me over the edge. This asshole is refusing to bite.

I need to fight. I need to argue.

I need to spill blood.

But he won't fucking bite at all.

"You fucked Avery in this cabinet," I point out. "Why?"

Ashwood raises an eyebrow. "Why did I have sex with Avery? Or are you questioning whether I have kinks that you might be interested in pursuing?"

"She's mine."

"We've already covered that, Hawthorne. Get on with the point."

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