Page 22 of Echoes

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"It's nothing to do with that," I mutter, trying to regain confidence. "I care greatly about Grey."

"How stupid of you."

"We might be done, but that won't change how I feel," I shoot back. "So, whatever sick comments you want to make, you cankeep them to yourself. If he wants nothing to do with me, fine. But I still care about him."

Damon's footsteps echo around my room, and I swallow hard, knowing he's getting closer to the bed. "You dug your grave, Avery. Now you can be buried in it. I only say things once. I warned you not to fuck with him, and you didn't listen. So now you pay the price."

"And serve you?" I huff in disgust. "I'll pass, thanks."

"I only allow people of worth to serve me. You do not fit that criteria. However, do not mistake my mercy for weakness. I can end you—and your little boyfriend—whenever I like. But I'm more interested in your relationship with Arthur. Therefore, you're temporarily useful to the society."

I fall silent, shocked that he knows about my little conditions. But the real question is... how much does he know?

Damon continues. "If you try to cross me, I will make you regret it. I don'tneedyou. You're being given mercy that most will never see. But make no mistake—this is for my benefit, not yours. If you're smart, you'll play along."

"And if I'm not?" I reply bluntly.

He laughs, a sinister threat lurking in his tone. "I'll nail your casket shut myself."

"Fine," I snap back. "But if it's for the greater good of thesociety, know that I'm doing this for Grey, not for you."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Clearly, it's not you. Now, if you'll please leave, I'd like to get a few hours rest."

Damon laughs under his breath, footsteps slowly heading toward the door. "I'll see you tomorrow, Avery."

Somehow, I manage to get a little rest. But like yesterday, I'm awoken by a guard, storming into my room.

As he grabs me from the bed, I'm still exhausted and drained, but thankfully, not as much as yesterday.

We bypass the bathrooms this time, and I say a silent prayer. But unfortunately I speak too soon, finding myself in the communal toilets, a brush being shoved into my hands.

I resist the urge to throw it in disgust, but reluctantly, do as I'm told and start scrubbing toilets. When we're finished there, I'm forced to clean the male urinals too, grumbling to myself at how putrid men are. You'd think after two decades they would know how to aim.

My hands are still red, but at least I can separate them from the bleach, giving them a good wash when I'm done before breakfast.

I won't let them break me.

If they think cleaning some bathrooms and toilets will make me snap, they are dead wrong.

At breakfast, I decide to defy them all, sending a bigfuck youto the higher ups, sitting across from Theo. I can feel eyes on me, but it's just the other patients. It's normal—I'm used to the stares now.

The guards watch carefully too, and I know they are going to report back to Whittingham—but let them.

For the most part, we eat in silence, but I can see Theo's more relaxed today. He seems happy that I'm sitting there, and when the bell rings, I'm promptly escorted off to Dr. Smith's office.

The appointment goes slowly. I answer the bare minimum, but he doesn't seem surprised. Dr. Smith relays that he passed on my psych assessment results to Mr. Whittingham and I can only nod in response.

My head is elsewhere today.

A quick stop at Dr. Markel's for some ointment, followed by more history lessons, then free time. Theo and I hang out in the empty room where we tattooed each other, and make small talk. If he's suspicious of my behavior today, he doesn't call me out on it. And thankfully, he doesn't press for information again.

I spot Grey lurking around during free time, walking the halls, but he ignores me, sticking close to Damon. The latter gives me a knowing look when we head back to the hall after free time, and I keep myself calm and composed.

Fuck you, Demon Boy.

The rest of the afternoon passes by, and after dinner and showers I wait on my bed, cross-legged. I have no idea what time I'm going to besummoned, but I don't bother to try to sleep.

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