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I refrain from rolling my eyes. “Far be it from me to deny the great Queen of Witches the igniting of her pagan princesses.”


With a wave of her hand, Hecate replaces the food arrangements, but a few salmon roe slip from Zenya’s breasts due to her heavier breaths. Her pulse is thready, but I also sense her stirring desire perfuming her pussy with her sweet arousal. Whether she will admit it or not, she still desires my brother as she does me.

I curl my shadows along her skin, granting her more of my presence before lowering my head and claiming her mouth. Her lips part for mine, and the whimper escaping is like a musical note resonating into my chest.

The doors of my court thunder open with a great crash, causing Zenya to startle. A low growl rumbles in my chest as I register that Hecate used the nyotaimori as a little diversion to bring the border down.

I give Zenya more of my shadows along the sides of her body, a clear sign of how I will protect her as Nyxion storms into my Court, sweeps his robe back to show his rotting corpse, and growls within our collective bond,Look who’s still standing, little brother.

With a wry smirk, I lift my goblet to my lips and muse, “More like rattling.”

Nyxion waltzes up to the table, eyeing the three of us before settling on me.I see the table is set for betrayal. How charming. Let’s add a dash of dread, shall we?He sweeps away the chair at the other end of the table, the one closer to Zenya’s feet, and conjures a throne of bones for himself. With a proud fury, he rests each bony hand on the femur armrests.Consider this my RSVP for my hyoid bone…and my little killer.

Zenya doesn’t have time to respond when another familiar figure enters the court, garbed in a regal red gown. Fortunately, Ivy is not here this time.

“Forgive the Crimson Queen for being fashionably late,” Phantasos proclaims and helps herself to the seat next to Hecate. Nyxion sneers as usual.

“Oh, Mistress of Magic, how lovely to see you again.” Crimson Queen extends a hand with scarlet-tipped nails, and Hecate takes her hand and kisses her knuckles with a flourish.

“Now…” Crimson Queen glances at each of us, folding her hands on the table. “I see the table is set.” She flashes Zenya a dazzling smile, and Zenya beams back, far more at ease from our middle sibling’s presence. Crimson Queen lifts her goblet in an opening toast. “Here’s hoping for a dinner that’s more feast than folly!”

Chapter 19

Come at me. Snap my bones. I’ll crush yours.


“Chokehold” by Sleep Token

“Ascensionism” by Sleep Token

“Hide and Seek” by Lizz Robinett

“Jaws” by Sleep Token

“Where’s Ivy?” Zenya dares to whisper at Phantasos’ Queen persona.

She waves a hand and snatches a cut of eel from between her breasts. “Oh, Ivy always likes to flit about in the Realm of Dreams. She popped over for a visit to Candyland. I’m sure we will see her soon.”

I narrow my eyes upon Zenya. Despite her quickened breath and pulse, she doesn’t look away. Caught in my gaze like prey. I creep my chopsticks along the swell of her breast, smirk with oneside of my teeth fully exposed from the flesh peeled back, and capture one salmon egg—like a pale ruby gem.

I warned you not to run from me, little killer.I savor her lips parting and her hard swallow. A snarl lodges in my chest as I fixate on the sight of my hyoid bone at the base of her lovely throat. So close. I could cut my way inside and take it back with ease. But all here know I won’t.

It’s far more difficult to communicate through the mental tether. More frustrating than ever without my sense of speech. But I’ll make do…for now.

While tracing one chopstick along the outline of her breast, I tilt my head and ask Zenya,Did you know that high-functioning psychopaths can gravitate towards occupations where it is deemed socially acceptable to act on their impulses?

Morpheus clenches his fist on the table, and if shadows could kill, I imagine they’d be carving daggers into me right now.

Zenya’s chest rises and falls quicker, her heart rate picking up its pace as I dig the blade in deeper, punishing her for choosing my brother.

I draw lines down her left arm, following her tattoos.Most choose military or first responders where lethal force can be applied. Sensation-seeking also accompanies these to inflate the ego. I’d say Zenya has the sensation-seeking down with her viral following. Hell, she probably loves how the Oneiroi have waged a war over her.

My little killer blinks, and a delicious tear rolls down her cheek. I will be touching that tear soon, collecting it on my bony fingertip. “Hmm…now what about the lethal force, Zenya?”

Morpheus growls, his shadows surging into a storm as he rises from the table. “Nyxion. I swear to mother-fucking Zeus, if you say one more word to her?—”

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