Page 5 of The Salvation

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Now, she will have her first test.

Narrowing my eyes upon hers, I lean her back until the surface of the water cradles her. She clenches her thighs around my waist. My cock throbs against her warm, slick folds, prepared for what will come next. First, I capture this memory. This sight of her in my waters with her hair floating all around her like the moon itself melting into the swirling darkness. Of my black sea making love with her pale body.

“What are you doing?” she wonders while gripping my hips.


Her eyes widen. I smell her fear. It fucking sings to the predator within me.

Cocking my head to eye her, I give her no cunning smile, no false pretenses, no wayward hope. “You believe you can love my monsters in my blood, little dove?”

Terror quickens her pulse, shreds her pulse. She is right to be afraid.

“I will show you one,” I finish and slam into her.

Her scream disappears beneath the surface of the water, but I don’t stop fucking her. Now and then, she manages to plunge her head above the surface, coughing and sputtering and sobbing.

It’s beyond my sadistic love of pain. It’s learning how far she can bend, learning how deep I may take her, how much I may break her—her will to survive, her desperation, and how farshe will battle before she submits. To unravel the strength and essence beneath those scars and taste the spirit of her blood is how she will become me, and I will become her.

Tremors rock me to the core as I relive a thousand memories of doing this until their breaths faded to nothingness. Male and female. In one moment, the desperate life in their eyes that prayed for one speck of hope—in a realm where none exists—turned hollow, spectral.

Punishment. Execution. Death.

"Are they still warm, Howle?"He would ask in a bored tone.

They always were.

"Fuck them until they are cold."

Desecration in death.

Sometimes, he would turn it into a spectator sport. It’s why none will ever walk these shores again, save for me...and Quintessa.

I fuck her, ramming hard as her head rocks and swings in the water. The streams of bubbles dwindle the more I take her, thrusting my hips, assuming full control of her blood, body, and mind. She will forever know what it feels like to I learned when I was first brought here. She will know the sheer gravity of her helplessness, her lack of power.

At the moment her body stops thrashing, and she closes her eyes and begins to sink, her blood scent ignites. Fuck! My cock throbs with more blood surging to it. It’s like a goddamned orris perfume. Bone-white but with black musk and hints of her enigmatic half-soul. The irony. So close to death, Quintessa becomes more alive than any other time.

The demons in my mind, the monsters in my blood rear up, tempting me with the sweetest promise. One that would give me the greatest gift of heaven before plunging me deeper into the damnedest depths of hell where I belong.

Her eyes turn wide, expressionless. One breath from hollow.

Never, I snarl.

One inhale of water.

I raise her into my arms. The first time I raise anyone. The first time I do not watch the life slip from their eyes.

With my cock still buried inside her, I channel my power into her body, vanishing the water in her lungs and increasing her blood flow. She coughs against my chest, claws at my arms, at my neck, pressing her small frame against mine as I carry her back to the shore, where I fuck her. Deeply. Slowly. But not softly.

Unleashing my wings to overshadow her, I thrust into her while gazing down at her pale, shivering body. Her lower lip quivers. Her eyes are glassy with more than the seawater. But the want shimmering inside those silver-gray depths is undeniable. She contracts her inner muscles, squeezing around me in confirmation.

An unfamiliar ache burrows deep into my bone. To understand how I am the source of her trauma, how her first memory of my healing waters will be one of darkness and pain, is the weight of a thousand corpses and their graves within my chest.

So, I reward her, give her a sample of what I can do. The reason why thousands would flock to the Court of Blood, binding themselves to me as willing thralls. Warming her blood, I sweep it like a flawless wave, rippling it straight for her cunt. More oxygen to pump into the body. Her heart rate spirals. And those gorgeous tattoos whorl into a chaotic dance.

Quintessa throws her head back and gasps. The muscles in my wings flex at the sight of her cheeks flushing, her nipples puckering. Adrenaline dilates her blood vessels, and she clamps all her muscles, convulsing around my cock.

My cunning smirk comes because I don’t let the wave retreat with the tide. Instead, I surge another wave to follow its predecessor.

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