Page 32 of The Salvation

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“Lord Merikh...” Azurienne interjects with her dark curls casting shadows upon her rich bronze skin. “My clan has had some unfortunate skirmishes with those who bear this sigil.It is a blood cult. Instead of familiars, they engage in human sacrifice. They have also reinstituted the Hunts."

I snarl, my chest darkening with a cold rage from the knowledge of how much I worked to banish all forms of mortal sacrifice and bloodshed.

“The spy's head does bear the sigil,” agrees Valeryc, flexing his gloved hand before forming a fist and directing his gaze to me. “Reports of their invasions into Lady Azurienne’s territory to attack and pillage reached my clan first. I sent a unit and an envoy to aid with the problem.”

“And why have I not heard of this problem until now?” I search their eyes.

“They have only risen over the past six months, Lord Merikh,” Azurienne responds, leveling with me.

When Kyan turns, I lock eyes with him. We hardly need to read between the lines when the answer is plain. Quintessa. We would be fools to deny the repercussions of her ending three god curses in so brief of a time.

“The attacks have been small and infrequent,” Valeryc goes on, inclining his head to Azurienne. “We had no cause for alarm or doubts about handling this cult. They’ve only proven more difficult as we’ve learned they are not located within the Court of Hollows or any of our clans but dwell above ground.”

My throat and spine tighten while Azurienne nods, continuing, “Yes, from what we’ve ascertained, they have formed an assemblage of a majority of day strider vampires and their human familiars. They call themselves the Covenant.”

I roll my eyes but cage a groan. “How original,” I say with dripping sarcasm.

“And how did you come to possess information regarding this cult when you’ve supposedly only just returned?” I address Reaver, brandishing my darkened gaze upon him.

The other founders, Kaelyndra and Seraphys, show little interest in the matter, aside from Reaver’s return. Not that I blame them when their regions are further from Court and have not been impacted by the attacks.

“May I stand, Lord Merikh?” Reaver requests.

I smirk. “No.”

Kyan flexes his wings, rolling his eyes.

“Fair enough.” Reaver shrugs, taking it far more casually than he would have in his past life. It almost irks me, but then again...I’m still the one on the throne.

“I came to possess this information because this cult was responsible for resurrecting me...” He bows his chin in subservience.

My power pulses through my veins until they throb along my skin’s surface, straining to be unleashed. Brows flattening, I lower my voice and demand, “Then, give me one good reason why I should allow your blood to remaininsideyour veins, Reaver.”

“The Lady of the Blood Crest, My Lord.”

“Choose your next words carefully,” I advise through gritted teeth, noting Kyan’s watchful shadow eclipsing me as he passes behind my throne.

“The unfortunate spy at your feet was tasked to gather information regarding your new Queen and the ritual that unfolded this past night. Naturally, I prevented this, but rumors will spread after tonight's events. But I am still in good standing with the cult.”

He clears his throat, lifts his chin to meet my eyes with no lie I can detect in his steady pupils. “My Lord Merikh, I did not come here on this night to seek reinstatement of my position. To prove my loyalty, I simply offer my services as your clandestine agent. You may test me as you wish. As I am a rebirthed day strider, I may travel back and forth at convenience. I wouldalso be more than obliged to show you the location of their headquarters. For if there is any threat or potential interest in your Queen, I trust you would wish to eradicate any such threat immediately.”

I tap my armrest again, practically feeling Kyan’s eyes burning holy fire upon my back. While Reaver may have offered proof of his loyalty, it does not mean I need to believe it. However, I would be a fool not to consider a trial, as well as prevent a blood feud. Nor can I deny the shrewdness of his words or the potential to test him further.

If he does indeed lead me to this headquarters, it won’t be much for me to deal with a simple cult hub of day striders. I don’t have to trust him. I don’t have to believe him. But forhersake, I will put him on a trial run.

“And what would you want if you were to pass this test?” I put forward while rubbing my jaw.

“Oh, reinstatement, of course.” He waves a hand with a sly grin. “My territory returned to me with the full rites and titles of Clan Bloodshade.”

My smirk grows. There is the blackguard I know and once approved of. If he had made an empty claim of desiring nothing, I would have justifiably suspected more.

“If your information proves true and valuable, and you pass this trial run, you will retain Arkenthorne’s seat as Founder. And you may call his territory whatever your heart desires. For now, I and the other Founders will see to its ruling.” I gesture to them, approving of their nods of agreement before turning back to Reaver to stipulate, “And as I am also a day strider, tomorrow, you will take me to this headquarters so I may ascertain the threat for myself.”

“As you wish, Lord Merikh. Does this mean I am permitted to remain in the Court of Hollows for the duration of the trial?”

He doesn’t drop that crafty smile. Nor do I lose my wicked smirk. Yes, flies with honey was always Reaver’s specialty. Good to see him drop his charm act.

“You may take up a residence within the Court Commons. You will be restricted to the Commons and lower Court halls, for the present. After tomorrow’s visit to headquarters...I will revisit the matter. Now, get out, all of you. I will consort with my partner for the remainder of the night.”

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