Page 60 of Lady of Shadows

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“When? When did she come for you?” Cyrus cut in. Rayner hadpositioned himself between the princes once more. They were both tense as they glanced from one another and back to Sorin.

“Last night. We were going to the city to drink after you lot all left with Scarlett. She met us on the path. In fact, she knows exactly where your wards stop and would not cross it herself or allow her wolves to cross,” Callan answered.

“Her fucking wolves are in the mountains?” Sorin snarled.

Rayner was gone in smoke before the words had finished leaving his lips.

“If she would not cross the wards, then how did she obtain you?”

Callan swore. “I went with her willingly, all right?”

“You did what?” Sorin roared.

“Shit,” Cyrus muttered, putting a hand on Sorin’s shoulder.

“On it,” Eliza called from the other room, clearly having heard every bit of the conversation.

“You willingly went with the queen for what purpose?” Sorin ground out from between his teeth.

“She wanted information on Scarlett. She asked for my help. I did not know that it would turn into this. I would never have agreed to such a thing,” Callan bit back, working to keep his voice even.

“What kind of information did she want?” The venom in his voice made Callan flinch, and Finn and Sloan tensed, hands on their swords.

“Something to do with her ring. She said she had been trying to talk to her, and you had been preventing it. Having been in a similar situation, I could relate,” Callan replied tightly.

“For what purposes did she want the information?” Sorin was visibly trembling again. With restraint or rage, Callan didn’t know. Probably both.

There was a sound of swirling water and the Water Prince appeared. Why he was here, Callan didn’t know. Briar took in the scene, locking eyes with Cyrus for a moment. “She was hurt?”

“A broken arm and some broken ribs,” Cyrus confirmed grimly. Flames encompassed the room. “Beatrix was already here. She is sleeping and will be fine.”

“How?” Briar demanded

“Our beloved queen learned of one of her weaknesses and took full advantage,” Sorin replied. “She usedthemto bait her and shove her deep into her magic. When it collided with Talwyn’s, we were all blasted into the damn walls. Then I come to learn that he went with her willingly and that he gave her information.”

The Water Prince’s eyes snapped to Callan. “What did you tell her?”

“I know little, so there is little for me to tell her. I would never have knowingly put Scarlett in danger. You cannot seriously believe I would.”

“Your actions—” Sorin started, taking a step towards him.

“Sorin, let’s go to the sparring ring. We will figure it out,” Briar interrupted, a wicked-looking sword appearing in his hand amid a swirl of snow.

“Not until he tells us exactly what was said,” Sorin snarled. Flames now appearing at his fingertips.

“Sorin, I more than anyone know what is coursing through you right now, but you are in no condition to be expending this much power,” Cyrus said cautiously, a sword appearing in his own hand. “We will have them escorted back and discuss things later.”

“We will discuss them now,” Sorin seethed, and a blade wreathed in flames was in his hand.

“Eliza, we might need you,” Cyrus called.

“You moronic males,” the female chided, stalking from the bedroom. “This is why Drayce was summoned. So that I would not be needed.” She was still in the leathers she had been in at the courtyard, her magnificent sword strapped to her back.

“He is riding a very dangerous edge. Briar and I will not be enough,” Cyrus snapped.

“Cyrus, escort them back to the other side of the bridges. If I were you, Crown Prince, I would stay in your rooms the rest of the day,” Eliza said in a bored tone.

“You are locking us in our chambers?” Finn asked in disbelief.

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