Page 42 of Lady of Shadows

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Cassius kissed the top of her head tenderly. “I have thought the same thing so many times, but we both know I need to be there, helping Nuri.” They fell silent again, each soaking in the other’s presence. “Tell me of Sorin.”

“What about him?” Scarlett asked, lifting her head to look intothose brown eyes. A soft smile played on his lips, and she knew what he was asking. “It is weird being here with him and Callan. Some days I feel like I can hardly draw enough breath. Thinking of anything else feels like too much right now, even if we do share chambers.”

“You share a room?” Cassius asked, raising his brows in surprise.

“Don’t act so shocked. We shared a bed all the time,” she replied, shoving him lightly.

“You share a bed?” he asked, his brows going higher.

“Only the last few nights. I’ve had nightmares,” she said, her voice falling quiet again. “I wanted you, but…” She trailed off, leaning her head on his shoulder once more.

“I miss you, too,” was all he said as they fell into silence once more.


Sorin stood in the eaves of the fourth floor watching Scarlett and Cassius on the bridge two levels up. It was nearly time for the Commander to be getting back before Lord Tyndell noticed he was gone. The Lord apparently had no idea Cassius and Nuri had seen them before they had fled, and thus didn’t know that they were aware of the Lord’s involvement with Mikale. So Cassius had played along, gathering as much information as he could and “trying to work out the wards” they believed Sorin had enacted.

Sorin had let the two have their space and had gone somewhere not even his Inner Court could follow. He wasn’t jealous of Cassius. He had stopped being jealous of the man the night Scarlett had told him of the day that Mikale had violated her in so many atrocious ways. He had stopped being jealous of him when he’d figured out exactly who he was to her.

They had started working with her magic three days ago, butshe had not been able to exercise an ounce of control over it. She had not summoned a single ember, drop of water, shard of ice, or lick of flame. She woke every night reaching for him as nightmares filled her dreams. The second night it had happened, she had cried into his shoulder for nearly an hour while he held her close, feeling utterly helpless, and he knew. He knew what she needed. She didn’t need him to erase vile touches like she had that first night when he’d felt her come around his fingers and held her bare body all night long.

While some days, what she needed might be him, right now it was Cassius. If that was what she needed, then he would do whatever he could to make it happen.

He also knew it couldn’t happen again. Getting Cassius here had been dangerous. They’d had to sneak him out of Baylorin and across the border, which meant getting through Night Child territory. He and Briar had crossed over to cover him for the final few miles, but Briar would have to help him get back. Briar had been right when they had sparred. The consequences of taking the twin flame Mark without a companion were already starting. He could not expend large amounts of his magical reserves right now.

And it killed him that when she said goodbye to Cassius today, he wouldn’t be able to tell her when she would see him again.

“Who is he?” Cyrus asked, coming to his side. Sorin had only returned moments ago, but there was ancient magic binding him and his Inner Court. They knew when their Prince left and returned from these halls.

“Cassius Redding. He is a commander in the mortal king’s armies. He is also powerful. I suspect Witch blood ties but am not certain,” Sorin replied.

“Impressive,” Cyrus commented. “But who is he to her?”

“He is not a threat if that is what you are asking.”

“I assume you would not leave her alone with him if he were a threat, but is he a threat to you?” He, too, was watching the princess. She and Cassius had sat down, right in the center of the bridge, side-by-side. Her head was on his shoulder, his head restingon hers. Their fingers were intertwined. He kissed the top of her head as he laughed about something she said.

“No, he is not a threat to me either,” Sorin said. “I may be her twin flame, but he is her soulmate.”

Cyrus was silent for a moment longer before saying, “At lunch, he said ‘so you can come home.’”

“He did.”

“Will she go back?”

“I do not know.”

“Will you let her?”

“I will not cage her.”

Silence fell again for a beat before Cyrus said, “I haven’t known her long, but I would miss the hell out of her if she is not staying.”

“Me too.”

Chapter 12


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