Page 144 of Lady of Shadows

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Callan sat at their usual table in the library, waiting. She hadn’t come to sit with him yesterday, and it appeared she wasn’t going to be coming today either, seeing as it was nearing the time she usually left to get ready for dinner. Tonight was supposed to be their weekly dinner, but he wasn’t holding his breath that she would show up at this point.

He had not seen her since their argument in the gardens. Well, that wasn’t true. He had seen her that morning striding for the front gates. He had called after her, but she had hardly paused. And when he had tried to follow, terrifying panthers of shadows had snarled and snapped at him before they continued trailing her out of the palace.

Of course, Sorin had been allowed to follow her.

Callan ground his teeth together at the thought. He was always allowed near her. He was always allowed to brush her fingers or stroke her hair. Meanwhile, he had to evaluate every gesture and word these last few months.

Apparently, it didn’t even matter anymore. She wasn’t planning to stay in Baylorin. She was going to leave after she saved the orphans. And she would. She would save them all, and then shewould disappear. Not into shadows, but into flames and ashes. Into the arms of a Fae prince rather than a human one.

Callan slammed the book shut that was before him, swearing.

“I didn’t know you knew such language, Princeling,” came a feminine drawl from behind him.

He turned in his chair to find Eliza smirking at him. She was in her usual attire, bedecked in her weapons. “What do you want?” he snapped.

“You are in a mood today,” Eliza replied, sliding into the chair Scarlett usually occupied.

“Why would you deign to notice?”

Eliza clicked her tongue. “While your temper is cute and all, I reside with a prince whose temper literally elicits fire, so you don’t really scare me.”

“Is there a reason for your visit this afternoon? Or is it just to tell me about the amazing Fire Prince?”

Eliza studied him a moment before she asked cautiously, “Have you spoken to Scarlett today?”

“No. I tried to follow her, to speak with her, and she sent her panthers to stop me.”

“Yes, those are new and quite terrifying,” she mused with a grin of delight.

Callan shook his head. “You would get along well with those of the Black Syndicate.”

Eliza’s eyes snapped to him. “What would a prince know of the Black Syndicate?”

Shit.That was a secret that apparently had not been shared with Sorin’s Inner Court. How much did they even know about Scarlett’s past?

“I know the same as everyone else. It is where the darkest and foulest criminals and beings are trained and come from.”

Eliza gave him a suspicious look. “Do you know anyone from the Black Syndicate?”

“Do you?” he countered.

“No. Your turn,” she said with narrowed eyes.

When he did not reply, her eyes grew wide. “You do. You doknow someone from the Black Syndicate. That is a tale I would love to hear.”

“Maybe someday I will share it with you,” he replied coolly.

“Color me impressed, Princeling,” she said as she shuffled through the books on the small table. “What exactly are you researching these days?”

“Those are Scarlett’s,” Callan answered tightly. “I have been reading up on the various territories.”

“Learn anything interesting?”


When he didn’t elaborate, the general lifted her eyes to his. “Anything you’d like to share?”

“Anythingyouwould like to share?”

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