Page 127 of Lady of Shadows

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“Sorin is not responsible for Eliné’s death,” Scarlett said slowly, glancing between the two of them.

Talwyn huffed another humorless laugh. “My aunt chose her own fate when she left in the middle of the night for her own reasons. However, her Second chose to try to retrieve her and lost so many on a fool’s errand. Heisresponsible for those lives, Cousin. Those losses are his fault. Those losses are his failures.”

She felt Sorin’s guilt down their twin flame bond. She felt him inwardly flinch at her words. Was she referencing Thia? If Cyrus could forgive him for that, who was she to hold such a grudge?

But before Scarlett could voice her questions, Talwyn said, “I will not deny that our personalities and styles of ruling clash on more than one level. I will not deny that how I do things is very different from how Eliné did things. We will likely continue to fight each other in many areas, but not in this. Not when it matters. Not when the entirety of the world is at stake.”

A swirl of sand appeared near Talwyn’s head, and she reached up and plucked a note from the center, just as Scarlett had seen Sorin do with the fire. Talwyn read the note once and stood from her chair.

“You all must leave. Azrael is returning.” Talwyn waved her hand, and the table reappeared, complete with papers strewn about. “Who else knows who Scarlett really is?” she asked of no one in particular.

“The people in this room, and Briar and his Inner Court,” Sorin answered. “And apparently the High Witch.”

Scarlett did not interject to mention the fact that Mikale, Nuri, and Cassius also knew who she really was.

“Let’s keep it that way for now,” Talwyn said, coming to stand before them once more.

“Azrael does not know?” Sorin asked incredulously.

“No,” Talwyn confirmed. “I have told no one of what I suspected, not until I was sure you would indeed find her. Not until she had accepted her place. Let’s keep it quiet a while longer, if you please. It will likely be to our advantage in the end. Now go. He approaches.”

“I do not know if I believe you, Talwyn,” Sorin said, a fire portal appearing behind the Fire Court.

“I understand,” Talwyn said, “but I do believe I told you that the Fates would place us on the same side.” Her arrogant smirk of victory had returned. “We shall speak soon, Prince.”

As she said it, an unexpected gust of wind swept through the room, pushing them all out into the open portal except Scarlett. The portal snapped shut behind them, and the two queens stood facing each other.

“What else did you learn? What else did the Oracle reveal to you?” Talwyn demanded.

“You show me yours, and I’ll show you mine,” Scarlett crooned in reply.

“This is not a game. You accepted that throne and became a part of something. You have responsibilities to your people,” Talwyn retorted.

“Yes, I did. I became a part of something I think is much bigger than you realize,” Scarlett replied, picking up a stack of papers from the table. She skimmed the first page. Reports from the mortal lands.

“Explain,” Talwyn said with venom in her tone.

“I don’t trust you enough to explain myself to you,” Scarlett answered casually.

“What about working together?” Talwyn snapped. “Did you not just preach to your twin flame that we were going to need each other?”

“I did, but loyalty and trust are not things I just give blindly.” Scarlett flipped the page of the report. This couldn’t be right.

Talwyn took a step towards her, but one of Scarlett’s shadow snakes rose up before her, and she froze.

“Nice pets,” Talwyn said snidely.

“I thought so,” Scarlett retorted, flipping another page of the report. “So much more effective than wolves.” She leveled a cool stare at Talwyn. “Although, they can really become anything I need them to be.” The shadow snakes twisted and writhed until three wolves stood before her. Their eyes swirling with flames.

“It would appear you’ve learned some new tricks,” Talwyn said through clenched teeth, her eyes on the shadow wolves. “But have you mastered your magic enough to wield it when it matters?”

“Step closer and find out,” Scarlett purred.

“My Second is nearly at these doors,” Talwyn snapped, thrusting a hand towards the double doors at the end of the room. A gust of wind barreled into them, keeping whomever was on the other side from entering.

“Talwyn,” a deep male voice snarled from the other side.

“Your twin flame?” Scarlett asked, sniffing once.

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