Page 30 of Lady of Starfire

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“I met my mother,” she said quietly into the room.

Cassius’s fingers stopped mid-drum. “And?”

“She is a goddess.”

“We already knew that.”


Saylah had said a lot of things in the short time Scarlett had been in Shira Forest.

“She says if she leaves this world, the Maraans and seraphs will follow. Achaz will require it of them.”

“Alaric will not simply leave after all he has done to gain control of this realm,” Cassius said.

“Agreed. If he does not leave willingly, she said Achaz will send more to bring him back to his home world to face judgment for his failure.”

“So Saylah and Alaric must leave this world?”

“Something along those lines.”

“What aren’t you saying, Scarlett?”

She was fiddling with a small knife, lightly twisting the point against the pad of her finger, but at his question, she sheathed it in her belt. She sat up, pushing to her feet. “Nothing. It will all be fine,” she said with a small smile. “We will kill Alaric and send Saylah from this world when I retrieve the lock.”

“When you are ready to talk, I am here,” Cassius said, watching her carefully.

“I know. You are all right?”

Cassius nodded, getting to his own feet. “I will bathe and meet you to see off those going to the continent. Then we can plan out the mission to get Cyrus.” She nodded, heading to the door until, “Scarlett.” She paused, looking back over her shoulder at him. “Being a queen suits you.” She felt her cheeks flush at his words. “You were born for this, Seastar. You are constantly fighting your destiny, but I think you are exactly where you need to be. I think the Fates may have been on your side all along.”

* * *

Scarlett rushed along the hallways. She’d been trying to find Eliza to speak with her before she left for the continent. Azrael had informed her that Eliza was going along as Razik’s Source. Scarlett wanted to check in with her friend before she left, but she couldn’t find her. Now they were leaving soon, and she was out of time. She was meeting Sorin in the entrance hall so they could see everyone off. Frustration coiled in her. When they got back, she’d make sure to seek Eliza out as soon as possible.

Rounding a corner, she nearly ran into Callan. Her hand flew to her chest, shadows springing from her skin and hovering in her moment of surprise. Callan’s eyes were wide, and he took a step back from her.

“By the gods,” she gasped, but then— “Why do you have a pack?”

Callan’s lips pressed together, and a muscle ticked in his jaw as he adjusted the pack on his shoulder.

“Callan?” she pressed, pulling her shadows back into herself.

He stood a little straighter, something in his hazel eyes hardening. “I am leaving with the group going to the continent.”

Her head tipped to the side as she studied him, recognizing the stubbornness setting in. “What?”

“I am going to the continent with the others. To get Tava and to fight with the mortals.”

“Tava wanted to go, Callan,” she said slowly.

“And I want to go get her.”

“You will drag her back here? Against her will?”

“No. I—” His brow furrowed for a moment, but his features twisted back into the anger she knew was driving his actions. “I will not let her put herself in danger. Someone needs to fight for her.”

“You think I sent her to the continent without protection? Drake is with her. Prince Briar is with her.”

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